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Glad to you have you back!
I'm happy to be making this book.
I worked so hard on it. Enjoy!

Things I need to mention:
I am currently in competition with her!
Recently I challenged her for the book title! I know this user personally so if you have any comments or concerns about this book competition,just ask!
The book we are competing for is the one that I am making. Here's the info:
Book Competition!
1.No stealing/sharing idea's
2.ALL work must be original!
3.Able to help each-other
4.Allowed to ask friends to participate (either than me)
5.Use your own characters
6.Don't take another book story idea from another author.Make it unique!
7.Be super creative and don't forget to add details to your story.
8.Each chapter must have a total of 1280 words or more
9.Shouldn't be boring,add dramatic twist!😉
10. Clip pictures to give the reader idea's how the character looks.

Those are all of the rules for the following competition. There is also some common information to know.
The winner of this competition will receive an reward. The reward is....

----------------------------------------------------Keeping the original title! This means that the book that get's most votes not your regular click the star type of a vote but a vote typed by YOU!Further on towards the end of both stories I repe...

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Keeping the original title! This means that the book that get's most votes not your regular click the star type of a vote but a vote typed by YOU!
Further on towards the end of both stories I repeat, ''Both Stories"
You have the chance to give us your opinion on which story you like the most! Just to mention, the two stories may have a similar title but are very different! Which is why we're competing for the book title of the original author of a series.
This is a great opportunity reasoning that each author has a chance to not only keep an original series title but improve their writing skills!
Since we're able to help each other on the stories that also means that each author can learn something about your writing methods and simply learn more
Also! If one of the authors lose, for example: wolfie has 50 votes and I have 49 votes, the winner with most votes earns the series title. However, the author that looses, can keep their own story but give credit for the title.
So what I mean by give credit is basically adding to the description the original authors Username and book!
Otherwise, this could be considered copyright and the account may be automatically under suspicion and have a chance for the account to either get expelled! Important!
Now, I know the user personally from school, so I'm not gonna want to sound like a big meanie but rules are rules. Sorry wolf! 🙄 (she forgives me)
Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from competition and looses!
So just remember,
No cheating

That is all see you later!
Until next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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