Western Continent

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" Stop dreaming, your privacy is being invaded."

What's with the noise?

" Senpai! Senpai! Wake up!" (Claudia)

" soo... Noisy..."

" Senior.." (Nathan)

" don't...wanna..."


" Senior, we have important things to do today. Please open your eyes. "(Nathan)

Someone is shaking me...

" Yeah! "(Claudia)


" Fine! "

I opened my eyes and yawn. what greeted me on my recently repaired room was the Sight of Claudia and Nathan dress in their respective Adventurer Get up clothes. They look so cool and awesome but....

" The heck?!"

I was shock and surprise at the sight of them on my room in the morning.
I got up in the bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

" You two... please inform me when you want to come here... don't invade people's privacy! You're abusing your power! "

Claudia blinked her eyes and pointed towards me.

" Senpai your sleeves are currently in mess and some are unbuttoned." (Claudia)

" oh, thank you for informing me."

.... Ah.. i should be get use to her straightforward and valiant personality... since after all she's a man in a girl's body and i should get used that a girl.. a boy was staring at me so openly that there's nothing wrong with it but it was still making me uncomfortable.

" So what did you come here for? You two are very early today."

" Well. We just decided that we should have a tour in the western Continent!" (Claudia)

" Western Continent?"

" Yup! We will have tons of fun in there!" (Claudia)

"I would also like to look around and buy some useful things." (Nathan)

" hmmmm..."

I narrowed my eyes to look at Nathan. Is there some sort of hidden motive behind it?

"The most Famous Auction Hall was located in Western Continent. All kind of unusual items can be seen there."(Nathan)

" I see..."

"Then you should register in adventurers guild and form a party with us and kill monsters. " (Nathan)

" Pardon?"

Did I hear wrong?

" You should register as an adventurer."

" no, you're not."

" can I ask something?"

" What is it Senpai?" (Claudia)

" Why should I become an adventurer? "

" No way... You're kidding. "(Claudia)

Claudia stare at me in shock and Nathan made a shock face before smiling wryly.

" You know it is dangerous to become an adventurer. "

" You can earn tons of money!" (Claudia)

" If I become an adventurer the probability of this one dying will be higher and there's a chance that I would die early than my anticipated time of death."

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