Chapter 23

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~~~A Week Later, Aunjel~~~

It's been a week since the funeral and mentally I was taking it hard. I had been staying at Arella's house for a while still unable to go to my old house.

I laid on the full sized bed and stared at the wall. I never felt this way before and nobody understood my pain.

I got up and walked downstairs to an empty house. Arella had went somewhere but didn't tell me where. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I seen a bottle of Hennessy sitting on the top shelf. I picked it up.

"Maybe this will ease my pain." I said as I poured a glass only to put it in the fridge and I would drank from the bottle.

I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I think the Wayans Brothers were on. I sat back and just chugged away at the bottle until it was half empty. I was feeling a little numb when I heard a knock on the door.

I got up and dragged my body to the door. I looked through the peephole. It was August. I opened the door and let him.

He sat on the couch noticing the half empty bottle of Hennessy. "Ma' you drank this?"

"Yea." I said coldly. "Don't sit here and act like you don't drink."

"You drinkin it for the wrong reasons tho. I drink for fun. You drinkin to take the pain away."

I looked at Aug because he was right. He could read the hell outta me.

"I just want this pain to go away. Maybe if I was never born my dad would have his life and my mom and him would probably still be together. I always fuck up shit." I could feel the tears coming.

August grabbed me and just held me. "You don't fuck shit up ma'. Yo pops loved you with all his heart I know he did. You a blessing ma'. You a living piece of yo pops. When yo grandpop or yo uncles start missing yo dad all they gotta do is look at his little girl."

I cried into August chest while he gently stroked my hair. He was right. "But Aug I'm hurting. I miss him so much."

"You gone hurt for a while but you gone be ight soon ma'. You know he watching over his little girl."

August always knew what to say. Even when we weren't together I could always go to my best friend Aug. I'm glad he is in my life.

"Yea baby. You're right."

"I know. Now I want you to do me a favor."

"And what's that?"

"Call yo moms."

I smacked my lips. "Why Aug? I'm not calling her!"

"I'm not saying you have to but you should at least try and give her a chance ma."

I didn't want to argue with August again so I gave in. "Ight. I guess. I'll text her."

"That's my baby." He showered me with kisses.

"Stooppppaaaa." I giggled. "Give me her number."

He gave me her number and I texted her.

~~~Text Convo~~~

Me: the only reason I'm even considering associating with you is because of my boyfriend. So I guess we can meet somewhere or some.

Kelly: Awww I'm glad you considered it. Let's meet at Pizza Hut, tomorrow at 3:00.

Me: coo.

The convo was brief and straight to the point. I was taking baby steps.

"We're meeting tomorrow at Pizza Hut."

"Oh ok ma'. You gone bring me some back?"

I laughed. "Of course baby." I said kissing him.

It's short but more drama is to come.


Oh and Kelly is 'played' by Nicki Minaj. 🙈🙊

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