Broken Faith

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I recommend listening to the song on the side for added feels. I know it's in Tagalog but the melody is so fitting.. and the lyics..perfect! I added the english tanslation at the end. The song is Kung Wala Ka (If you're not here) by Hale. Awesome band, they sing english songs too!


The man in front of us was creepy, in a weird sort of way. Who was he? He was staring at Flo fondly but Flo looked blankly at him but I can feel that she was upset and also scared. Why should she be scared?

The man maybe creepy but he didn’t look threatening. In fact he looked like a movie star.

“Hello Princess. I finally found you.” He said to Flo in english smiling.

Flo looked at him silently, her face still blank.

“Flo who is he?”Minny asked clutching Flo’s arm trying to put herself between Flo and the strange man. She must have sensed Flo’s distress too.

“Ahh I see you have used your real name. Brilliant thinking princess.” He said laughing heartily.

“Flo?” I asked shaking her gently.

A few more moments of silence passed. Then Flo raised her face and the expression on it scared me. It was so cold and scary.

“What took you so long? I was out of my mind with boredom.” Flo said in english in such a cold voice that I never heard her use on us or on anyone anyway.

“Really? I thought you were running away from me.” The man said confusion flashing through his face but was replaced by a fond smile.

“They made me run away from you. I also thought you were a man who likes the chase so I thought why not. Thou I was getting bored with running away. You were so slow. You made me wait.” Flo answered.

She was starting to scare me. Who’s this man?

”My apologies Princess.” The man said and swept his hand towards the waiting car. “Shall we my sweet?”

“You’re such a bore when you make me wait.” Flo said and took a step towards the car.

“Flo? Where are you going?” Minny asked her not letting go of her arm.

“Let me go.” Flo said using the tone on Minny. Luhan looked at her shocked.

“Who are these kids Princess?” The man asked looking at us with distaste on his face.

I wanted to punch him in his face but I was strangely frozen. The man was creeping me out. They were talking in English. Good thing Flo had taught me, well forced me to learn it so I can understand it much easier but I still can’t speak it fluently.

“Some kids I was conducting an experiment on. I told you I was bored.” Flo answered in a haughty tone.

Did she just call us experiments? What is going on?

“What was it all about then?” The man asked her.

“I wanted to see what I saw in those movies. You know friendship. Love those sort of things.” Flo answered distaste on her face and tone.


“Such a waste of time. Too much hassle.”

Wait what? We were a waste of time? What is she talking about?

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