No.1 Hero Deku

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Hey guys this is my very first book on this account. I had a previous account on Wattpad where I wrote books about the anime 'Naruto' if you'd like to see those books my previous account name was called DangoMan. So please go and read some of my previous books.

Midoriya P.O.V

My name is Midoriya Izuku and I am quirkless, ya you were probably hoping for me to have a quirk but, I guess the author went another way. Am I blowing your mind! . Its a fourth wall break.

But yeah I don't have a quirk. And that's why my life has been so hard to live. From a young age I'd never met my father, because he died the day I was born trying to make it to the hospital to see me being born. So I was with my mother for most of my childhood life. I used to have friend that abandoned me at the age of five, because they saw me as useless ,because I didn't have a quirk. Thse same friends then became my bullies about 6 months after they stopped hanging out with me.

Everyday I came back home more beaten than the last. To a point where my mother used to cry for me everyday. My mother tried confronting the teachers and the parents of my friends, but I begged her not to out of fear that the beatings would get worse. But it all changed when we past a poster that read 'Martial arts lessons. Learn to become a master by learning taekwondo. Just call ########## to register' that was the day my mom decided that enough tears had been shed and enough beatings had been taken. She took me to those martial arts lessons so I could learn how to defend myself.

After a couple of months the results began to show. I was able to protect myself against Kacchan and his friends. Until the day Kacchan enrolled to take lessons.

That's when things started getting a bit harder ,because he would tease me everytime at a lessons because the teacher wouldn't let him use his quirk. Which was lucky for me. As I grew older I became more distant with everyone at school. Until I would show absolutely no emotion at school. My mom picked up on this and decided to get me a friend and that's when Eri came into my life. We adopted her from an orphanage when I was 7 she was only 1 years old at the time. I loved Eri with all my heart. Eri always had this ragged up old doll from her past that she adored so much. We tried getting her a new one but she refused all the new ones. That's when we discover a letter from Eri's biological mother telling why she gave up Eri. In the letter it stated that her husband was very abusive and after he found out about her ,he tried to kill Eri when she was only 3 months old so the mother gave her up to the orphanage to take care of her.

Of Course we never showed the letter to Eri mostly because we knew her little mind wouldn't understand, but we plan on showing it to her when shes more mature. Well I plan on showing it to her, because my mom died of brain cancer awhile back. Now its just me and Eri against the world. I've tried to become strong so I can protect her. But their are limits to even human strength. that's why I was so happy when All Might. The All Might asked me if I would be his successor. I obviously immediately said yes.

Who wouldn't!!!!

from that day on I had 10 months to make it into U.A. the top hero school.

With All Mights quirk I was sure I could make it in. Me and him trained for that 10 months to help me tone down my power because when I started I was already using 100% of One for All. I'll never forget that day.

Flash back

I was staring in amazement at the man before me. It was All Might in the flesh. I want to jump up and hug him to see if it was really him or if I was dreaming.
Wait he'd probably get creeped out!

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