Chapter 23

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Natalie's Pov

"Listen Nina, I love you I really do, but you have to remember where you come from like the rest of us. We just don't fit into a world of champagne and caviar. We're waitresses. We don't make much money we deal with the rude and polite customers and we work our butts off just to keep the lights on and water running in our apartments. I know you may love him but...this has to be what's best for you. He may love you now too but who's to say he might change his mind because you're not rich or something. He's known for that you know. I just don't want to see you get hurt if this rich guy really disappoints you. You know you also shouldn't have moved out your apartment. If he does end up throwing you out you won't have a place of your own but you're always welcome to stay with me." I nod while still thinking about all Gabby has said.

Although I think she may be wrong I still have to have a plan in case he throws me out. The apartment I had really wasn't in the safest place so I need to find a place a bit better. The head mistress at the 2nd orphanage sometimes did say I would end up pregnant and alone. I've never and still to this day don't believe that. I know I can take care of myself and If I ever did have a baby I would take care of my child too. I really don't ever believe Xander would throw me out though I mean if he was using me for my body ...wouldn't I be out of his house by now?. No. He loves me. I know he does I could see it in his eyes, so caring and gentle. He loves me for sure I have to believe he does. I feel I love him so much I ..I would die for him. I will give him anything to make him happy. I will always love him until my heart stops beating.

Most of my life I've been searching for something and I didn't know what until I met him. I know Gabby is just looking out for me and I will always cherish her sisterly protection but I love him. No matter what.

Closing out my thoughts I return to cleaning the dirty tables in the dining area. Wiping down the last table I hear the door open but I don't pay it any attention. A few seconds later I look up to see a tall male figure standing in front of me. A lot taller than me but not as tall as Xander. We was maybe about 6'3 . But still towered over my small body. Looking up into his face I notice his strong features.

His wood brown eyes, his wild and curly brown hair and his nicely groomed bearded

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His wood brown eyes, his wild and curly brown hair and his nicely groomed bearded. By the looks of his clothes I could kind of guess he was definitely well off. His suite must have cost quite a bit. But he looked strangely familiar like I've seen him somewhere before. No I think it's just all in my head. He was definitely handsome but not drop dead gorgeous like Xander. I only have eyes for my Xander.

"Excuse me miss, is this seat taken?" I shake my head and realize he intended to sit at the table I was whipping down. He takes a seat but as his gaze lifts to me he just stares intensely. I try to shake it off and walk away but I am stopped by his voice.

"Wait. Come back here" he demands in a stern voice and I instantly shudder at his tone. Turning around I look down to my feet a little frightened. " Why are you so afraid? Do you think I would harm you?" I mumble a quiet I don't know but I think he heard it. "I would never hurt you Natalie". Shocked by his words my head immediately snaps up at him. How the fudge does he know my name??!!!.

"H-how do y-yo- know my name?" He smiles at me and stands up walking in my direction. "You really don't recognize me Tallie?" Tallie?! No the only person that's called me that was Andrew and he for sure died years ago. "You don't recognize your best friend? Tallie it's me. Andrew." No, no no no it can't be! He died he's dead!.

"No way. You can't be, you died years ago. This has to be a dream." I rub my temples as I feel a light migraine coming on. "You can't be my best friend. The Andrew I knew would never abandon me like that, leave me alone in that horrible orphanage to be taunted and tortured for the the last few years of my life." He gives me a sad look while trying to come closer. "I can explain Natalie, I had to leave for a reason you just have to listen to me. Please." Contemplating on whether I want to hear his excuse or not I decided to listen because I know after this conversation, I never want to see him again. "Okay, talk."

"I had to leave you and the orphanage because if I stayed someone was going to kill all of you. I don't know who this guy is or what he wants exactly but one day when I was heading back to the orphanage this guy came up to me and offered me a new life if I left the orphanage....and you. He said If I didn't leave he was going to make sure each and every person in the orphanage had a bullet in their head. I couldn't risk anything happening to you or anyone else so, I had to leave you. I don't know why he would pick me , but he really did give me a new life. He took me in, let me stay in his home, sent me to school until I graduated and then got me a job working for him. Not a day went by when I didn't think about you, I've always loved you Natalie. Always. I came back to the orphanage when I finished school but you weren't there. I tried finding you everywhere but I couldn't. Please forgive me for leaving you." I begin to pant lightly. Oh no, I can't have another panic attack. I haven't had one since I was at the 2nd orphanage. I hold a hand to my chest and began to inhale deeply and then slowly exhale. I repeat the process about 10 times until I feel my heart beat slow down a bit. Last time I went to the doctor he said it was getting really bad for my health and if I kept hyperventilating my heart would possibly stop. Ever since then I would try to make sure I was never frightened easily. The doctor did proscribe medicine for me which I do keep in my purse for emergency but I haven't needed it for a long time. Completely calmed down I turn to Andrew. "I know you are back now and I'm really happy you've had a great life. But I don't think we should ever see each other again, it's just too much. Seeing you here after all these years and just to know you left me and I completely understand why you did what you did, but I can't handle this, it's just too much. I hope you have a great rest of your life and find someone that makes you happy." As I begin to turn away he grabs my shoulders and spins me around.

"You make me happy Tallie. You always have and I want you to come and live with me." I gasp at his statement. He dare desire such a thing after all this time. "No! I will not live with you. I live with someone else who I'm madly in love with." I run past everyone and everything until I get into the bathroom. How could he?! How dare come back after all this time!. What's amazing though is the fact that my heart doesn't beat fast and my breath doesn't hitch when I'm around him anymore. It only does that for Xander, only Xander. In that moment I realize I don't feel anything for Andrew anymore. He is my past and will stay that way. My future is with Xander.

My Xander.

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