Witch Hunt

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Blinding light consumed me as my eyes slowly fluttered open. I felt it pierce through me and I put my arms over my head to block it. The bed below me felt both soft and a bit prickly as I rolled around, laying on my front and slowly stood up, still keeping my eyes covered. Cautiously I lowered my arms, giving my eyes time to get use to the brightness around me. Once my eyes were uncovered I rapidly blinked to make myself use to the intense light and squinted to scan my surroundings. My eyes slowly widened in shock as I took in the view; a lush green field is in front of me and the afternoon sun is up in bluest sky I had seen. I could see green hills at a distance and the air round me was light and breezy. I looked down at myself and I was wearing Chloe's monochrome black dress, heels and Nicole's stole.Chloe. Nicole. At once, all my memories flashed in my mind: school, Chloe, sitting with Nicole and Olivia, Mason, Shawn. Shawn! I had gone to to the library and then to the locker room to wait for Shawn...

How the fuck had I ended up here? What was this place??. I moved around in circles, my initial shock replaced with panic and fright. I could not see any civilization, buildings, roads, anything in my line of sight. I was hyperventilating as I started running around, frantically looking for a way out.  Was I dreaming? Was I dead? Had I ended up in the afterlife??

I started trembling as my mind was flooded with these insane explanations. I wanted someone, anyone,to come up and tell me this was a joke. If it was a dream I wanted to wake up. I slapped myself, trying to shock myself into waking up. I repeatedly slapped myself, going batshit crazy and hysterical. I put my hands on my chest and gripped my dress so hard I was sure it would tear off, to calm my heart which seemed to come out of me any second.

And then as if the universe had read my mind, I felt a presence behind me. I whipped around with a jerk and stared at the man infront of me, looking like a wide eyed, scared out of my damn mind, mess. But the man standing did nothing to put me at ease as I had hoped, rather my panic had been replaced by nervousness and confusion because he looked...strange.

He wore a navy long tunic-like cloth that went below his knees, with a rough looking belt and what seemed to be beige leggings. He had a white straw hat on. He had short but unkept black hair  under his hat and a gruff stubble on his jaw.  The whole look was so foreign to me and something seemed very off about him, but before I could open my mouth he beat me to it,

" Who are you?", he demanded.

Okay, he DID not look pleased,

" I-I, am..Emma", was all I could muster.

This did nothing to soften his narrowed eyes," What are you doing here in the middle of my farm-", he abruptly stopped and his eyes assesed me from top to bottom. His mouth slightly hung open and he took a step back. He seemed flustered and nervous and I took the oppurtunity.

" I actually don't know how I ended up here. I have no idea where I am. Could you tell me what is this place?", I politely inquired but he did not acknowledge my question.

His eyes were fixed on my body. I instinctively drew the stole across my body tighter.

Finally after this, his eyes looked into mine, travelling painfully slow upto my face after which they locked with me, and he managed to find words,

" What..is that attire?", he lifted a hand to point a finger towards my dress

. I confused at his question," It's a stole and a dress", I said in a duh tone.  He shook his head," What is a dress?", he asked and I stared at him.


Did this fucker really not know what a dress was or was he having an actual laugh?.

Either way I did not have time to answer his stupid questions, my goal was to get the hell out of here!. " You don't know what a dress is?", I scoffed. And that is when all the hell broke loose.

Hard lines appeared on his forehead and he looked very, very angry. Uh-oh. " I know what you are, you Wallydraigle!", he snarled. I was both confused and frightened," What?", my voice was barely audible. I clutched my stole in fear as I waited for his answer. His eyes were livid and merciless now as if I had done some unimaginable crime.  He raised his hand and pointed a finger at me again, but it wasn't an inquiring finger like it was before when he had asked about my dress, it was an accusing finger,

" You-", he started deadly, " are a witch!" , his lips curled with disgust at the word.

The look on my face was of pure disbelief at what I was hearing, a witch? What?. Was this man perhaps insane?. Yup that was it, or I was dreaming? .Which I at this point also seemed very likely. But before I could form a sentence in my defense, the furious man snapped his head back and shouted

" Giselle! Margery! Get the priest! I have a witch over here!"

I was terrified of his outburst and a whimper escaped me which made him snap back to me. The look of hatred in his eyes terrorized me further. So much so that I took off running in the opposite direction like a person running from a pack of wolves. I knew something very bad would happen if I stayed, the look on the weird man's face had told me he did not like me one bit and would do something bad to me, let alone help me. Tears ran down my face as I ran as I had never run before and they slightly blurred my vision.

" STOP! COME HERE, YOU WITCH!", I could hear the man screaming and sound of rapid footsteps behind me.

That renewed my resolve to save my life, despite the fact that






DESPITE that working against me, I knew I had outrun him when his footsteps sounded feeble behind me, but I knew he was still hot on my trail. I decided I could not run forever,especially in these fucking pumps, and needed to hide. I looked around and could only see some cottage like houses scattered very far from each other but I was afraid to go inside.

What if the people like the weird man chasing me turned on me?.

I couldn't trust anyone near this place. Hiding behind the houses was also risky so in the end I made a quick decision and leapt behind some trees a 100 feet away from where I guessed the man would come. My heart pounded as I waited with bated breath.

Who do you think the man is?? And will he catch her?
Also, I will be using common medieval language in this novel and I will explain what a particular medieval word means at the end like for this chapter:

Wallydraigle- A worthless,slovenly woman.

Comment and vote for me to continue (:

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