X - Amber strikes again

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ok hi i still want to put up a picture of lexi but i'm on my phone and idk how to do that so when i get home i'll put it up ok guys ilysm thank you for reading!


I wasn't the biggest fan of dresses and skirts, so I wore shorts with a flannel. Not to mention there wasn't anyone I needed to impress or dress up for. If it was up to me I'd just wear my fucking pajamas, but Lexi would chop my legs off before I could take a step out the door, so I wore shorts.

Lexi was next to me in black stilettos and a tight black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Her hair was curled to perfection and her make up was smoky and sexy. I only wiped on mascara.

"Let's go," she said all excited, grasping my wrist and walking to the mansion like house that belonged to none other than Matthew, one of the football players at our school. Also one of the biggest idiots at our school, the only reason he passed was because of girls like Lexi, who helped him out for party privileges.

I followed behind my wrist that was being tugged by the very impatient blonde second guessing my shorts when every other girl I saw making their way to his mansion house was wearing a short cocktail dress or a skirt with heels. Shit.

I sighed as Lexi told the bouncer (yes, there was a bouncer) her name and passed through. Wow, she really did have party privileges.

I was a bit surprised when the bouncer stopped me from entering, asking for my name.

"Um, Julia." I said.

The bouncer kept staring at me. "Last," He said in a deep voice, eyeing the guest list.

"Oh, um Johnson."

He flipped a few papers before eyeing me again. "Related to Jack Johnson?"

I nodded and he let me enter. Damn.

My eyebrows rose when I noticed it wasn't as full as I expected, or the music wasn't as loud as they usually were at teen parties. There were maybe ten to twenty people inside drinking from red cups. The rest was probably outside or in some of the rooms. Matt's house was huge and he probably had at least five guest rooms.

We made our way to what seemed to be the kitchen, which was about the size of my entire living room area, and Lexi made us a drink. When she handed me my cup I refused it.

"One of us has to stay sober to watch the other. Not to mention one of has to drive us back home." I explained. "I volunteer."

She smiled and hugged me. "You're the best friend ever, you know that, right?" She said close to my ear.

"Oh, stop sucking up," I said, hugging back.

When we pulled away from each other she took both drinks in each of her hands.

"I'm surprised it's so mellow though," She muttered, sipping on her drink.

I nodded. "I know right. Is this like a private party or something?"

"Probably," She said. "I mean there was a bouncer."

I agreed, tapping on the kitchen counter.

I started wondering why I was able to enter. I mean I have never spoken to Matthew, at least not that I could remember, so why was I on the list? Or wait; was I?

He did ask if I was related to Jack, which meant that he was probably VIP, since he was in football with Matt.

It eased my mind to know that I probably wasn't even on the list, because that meant Amber probably got me on the list for whatever reason I didn't want to find out.

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