Chapter 36 - Explanation

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Hey guys! So, this was an emotional chapter for me to write.

I want you guys to know that this chapter has some emotionally sensitive subjects in it. If you feel like at any point that you can't take it, please do not continue to read it for my sake. I understand that this could upset people, because it upsets me.

If you would like to talk to me about it afterward, Pm me and I'll give you my kik and you can talk to me there.

I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, but (not to sound rude) I wanted this story to go this way because it's well, my story. But truly, I am sorry if you have ever had to deal with anything like this. It's really tough.

I love you.

Kian and I walk slowly and calmly to Emily's little room in the ER, Kian a few steps in front. My mind is running, though.

What possible explination could Emily have for all of this? Was she just doing it for fun? Was she doing it as some sick way to get Kian back? What in the world would give her an idea like this?

Oh, you know, I'm going to fake a pregnancy just to get this guy to be into me. Yes, that makes total sense.

Maybe she's doing it for one of those stupid hidden camera shows? Stupidly, I look around and scope out whether there are any mysterious looking people with cameras on their hats or something like that.

To be completely honest, this completely pisses me off. This makes me even madder than if she had actually been pregnant. At least then she would have some kind of actual reason.

Who does that anyway? I mean I know some people have faked pregnancies for like experiments, but what would this experiment even be? "How to Ruin someone's life"? Would that be it?

Before we even get to the room my anger has heightened and I ball my fists up in anger.

I tell myself to calm down. It's over, it's over. I don't need to worry about it anymore. Everything can go to normal after this.

As soon as Kian walks behind the curtain, I hear Emily say, "Kian, I'm so sorry."

Her voice sounds like she's crying, which makes me angry.

Why would she cry? Because she's been caught? She's a liar. She doesn't deserve to cry.

As soon as I get into the room, she looks at me and I can visibly see her get even sadder.

Why is she sad? Especially that I'm here.

Tears continue to roll down her face and I get even more annoyed with each one. I should be the one crying! Or Kian because he was the one who directly had to deal with her shit.

"Why is she here?" Emily says, a little on the defensive side, sadness still thick in her voice.

"Because I want her here," Kian replies to her in a dry tone, sounding fed up with her.

"Kian, please let me explain. I have a reason for all of this. You too, Maddie," she addresses me. I raise my eyebrows, waiting for her million-dollar explanation.

She stays quiet, holding her hands over her eyes and wiping tears away.

"What possible explanation could you have for this?" Kian says in a surprisingly calm voice.

"I-I wasn't going to, I..." She trails off, seemingly at a loss for words.

"Then why did you?" Kian says, his voice at a much higher volume than before, anger beginning to lace it.

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