Chapter 29

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Samantha's P.O.V

Currently I am locking myself in the bathroom and I won't come out. I was getting ready in some sweatpants that cuff, and a Victoria's Secret Pink teal shirt and I went to reach for my makeup and there was none because of the bet I made with Sammy. I decided if I don't have my makeup I can still do my hair pretty, but no. I forgot that was also part of the bet.

Instead of acting like a normal almost fifteen year old, I decided I wouldn't come out of the bathroom looking like this. I've been in here for a good twenty minutes and I refuse to even look out the door.

"Sammy, why are you staying in there?"

"Please come out, you're scaring me."
He begged again.

"I'm fine, just go away."

"No you aren't babe, I can hear you crying."

"That's just the sink." I lied and realized it was the dumbest cover up lie ever.

"Babe, you can't lie for sh*t. I know you are crying, but if you let me in I could help."

"Fine, I'll admit I'm crying."

"Ok, so why don't you tell me why?" He bargained.

"Nah, I'm good. I just have to stay in hear till tomorrow night."

"Sammy that makes no sense and if this is about singing, I'll have Bart take you off the acts. I know how terrified you are." I wasn't even realizing how much that is also bothering me till now.

"No, you don't get it."

"I can try, just let me in."

"Just go away!" I shout at him through the thick door. I hear him sigh and the door of the room close.

Jack's P.O.V

"Wait, so events at what time?" I asked while figuring out how long we had till we have to be downstairs.

"Five, and it's almost two now." Sam says as he flips through the channels.

"Thanks, so what do you wa-" I stop my sentence when I see Shawn.

"Samantha is sitting in the bathroom and she won't come out."

"What do you mean?" I stand up and Sam does aswell.

"She's in there crying, and she said she'll stay in there till tomorrow night. When I told her she should come out so I can help her she shouted at me to go away."

"What happened before this?"

"She was getting ready for practice of the song and she was in there for a while and when I asked what's wrong she said she wouldn't come out." He said while walking out of my room and toward his.

"This ones yours Sam." I can't ever watch her doing this. Not after last time she did something like this.

It was almost two years ago, and she was acting a little off and I didn't think anything of it. She was taking a new type of medicine and she seemed fine for the first few days, but she snapped after a week on it. I remember it clear as daylight. She asked to go to her room while watching a show with me and Sam, and I told her sure and to get me if she needed anything. A little later I heard a smash and I immediately ran upstairs with Sam to see her throwing her lamp and everything...

"Sammy, calm down!" I shouted trying to get her to stop. She continued flipping out and she had this look on her face, it wasn't her normal look. It was dark and hurt. Tears are dripping down her face and she took her head in her hands and starting screaming.

"Stop!" She screamed and I stood in shock at the sight in front of me. She paced around her room holding herself and I turned to Sam.

"Dude, call someone!" He looked at me waiting for me to do something.

"Who? I can't call my parents."

"I would never do this, but you need to call an ambulance before she hurts someone or herself." I nodded and I called the number and they said the would be here as so as possible and to try and talk to her.

"Bug, look at me." Sam looked at her and she just kept balling her eyes out.
Her back hit one of the walls and she just slid down it and held her knees to her chest. Sam walked over to her and hugged her as she shook violently.

The ambulance pulled up and I lead them upstairs. They put her on the stretcher and tied her down. I got in the bus with Sam and she was struggling trying to get out.

"Sir, we have to sedate her." I nodded and they gave her a shot. She calmed down almost instantly and I just stared at her. My little sister, is in an ambulance, and sedated...

They later found out the medicine did it to her. They suggested she go to a mental hospital or the psych ward, but I wouldn't let them. From that day on she's always in someone's sight of watch.

I walked away from Shawn's door and went to mine. I can't watch her because of what happened last time. I let my sister freak out to a point where I had to call the hospital. What did I do during all of that time?

I did nothing. I couldn't stop her and if I just kept a better eye on her, it wouldn't have ever happened.

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