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characters: Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore
category: fluff

     Sam had to admit, he was pretty bummed. His pre-law courses decided to go easier on the homework load finally, allowing him to have a whole weekend to do whatever he wanted. He glared at the dark sky.

     He had planned on doing something very special for his girlfriend; he went to a local floral nursery to purchase a multitude of daffodils (her favorite flower) and the previous day he had gone to a nearby park planting said flowers and setting up Christmas lights on a gazebo in a park they both frequented. He grumpily checked the weather forecast one more time, only to have it confirm the storm was predicted to last all weekend.

     He sat in his dorm room brainstorming ideas on how to completely sweep her off her feet. Candlelit dinner with a home cooked meal? No, that wasn't special enough. Marathoning cheesy romantic films? Fortunately she hated those as much as Sam did. He was so absorbed in his thoughts he didn't even notice his door swing open.

     "Sam!" the sudden intrusion caused him to jump, looking over at his unexpected guest.

     "Jessica? I thought you had classes for another hour," he smiled at his girlfriend, finally noticing her attire. She had on a bright yellow raincoat and tall black rain boots, with an umbrella in her hand.

     She smiled back at him. "There was a substitute teacher for my last class, and I didn't feel like watching some random movie that probably doesn't even pertain to my major."

     He chuckled at his soon-to-be nurse girlfriend. "So what's with the outfit? You preparing for the apocalypse outside or something?"

     "No!" She wrinkled her nose at him and giggled. "Rain is my favorite weather, and actually the reason why I came over was to formally invite you to come splash in some puddles with me."

     Sam hoped she didn't notice his face drop at that, but judging by her expression it didn't go unnoticed. "Ah, you'll probably catch a cold though. It's wet and gross and probably freezing outside."

     Jessica knew Sam wasn't a big fan of the rain but she wasn't planning on backing down without a fight. She could always use her puppy dog eyes as a last resort. "But Saaam, it would make me so happy! We finally have a weekend we can spend together, and I've jus missed you a lot and this is probably the last rainy weekend we'll have for awhile so I wouldn't bug you about the rain for at least—"

     "Okay, fine, let's go stomp around in some mud," he rolled his eyes playfully at her, a lopsided grin present on his face. He knew he was going to agree to her request the moment it left her lips.

     "How long have we been out here? It's starting to get dark," Sam inquired, pulling his hood up further on his head.

     Jessica jumped into a fairly deep puddle, splashing some mud on Sam's pants. He inwardly groaned. He started to make his way towards Jessica to reprimand her about being more careful when she suddenly lifted her head up and beamed at him. He froze in his tracks, his heart skipped a beat.

     "Sam, thank you so much for coming out here and doing this with me. I can't remember the last time I've had this much fun!"

     The soaked boy was at a loss for words. She had abandoned her umbrella a while ago, instead giving it to Sam to use, so her blond locks were drenched. She had speckles of mud covering her legs. Jessica let out a blissful, unadulterated laugh and twirled around in the puddle. He's certainly seen her look way more attractive, however in this moment he had never seen her more beautiful. He was so lucky to have her in his life and no words could do his feelings justice.

     That's when it hit him.

     "Jessica," she looked up at him, "there's something I want to show you." With that, he grabbed her hand and she skipped along beside him.

     They weren't too far away now, only a block left to go. Why hadn't he thought of this sooner?

     "Sam, where are we going?"

     He stopped, pulling Jessica back and into his arms. "Wait here, close your eyes, and don't open them until I say so," he pecked her cheek and ran off.

     It was dark outside at this point save for a few scattered street lights. After a few minutes of Sam shuffling around, he hollered over to her.

     "Okay Jess, open your eyes."

     She did. Immediately upon opening them, her hands covered her mouth stifling a gasp. Twenty feet in front of her was the gazebo her and Sam would visit often, but tonight it looked different. The once ordinary structure was brought to life with dazzling lights in different colors; some blue, some white, some were twinkling yellow. She then noticed a patch of yellow on the ground surrounding this magical shelter.

     "Sam, are those daffodils?"

     His hand scratched the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact, a move she knew he did when he was embarrassed. "Well, I knew that they were your favorite, so—" he didn't get to finish that sentence because the wind was knocked out of him. He looked down at his girlfriend squeezing him and smiled. He lifted her chin up with his finger and although the rain hadn't relented, he knew those were tears streaming down her face.

     "You know, earlier today I was so bummed because I wouldn't be able to show you this. I didn't know how much you loved the rain, Jess. At first I didn't understand but now I think rain might be my favorite weather, too."

     He leaned down to kiss her, both of them smiling. If he ends up with a cold after all this, he knew it would be worth it.

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