Jinnie's Home!

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*opens door*

"Taehyung! Namjoon! I'm back!." Seokjin yells, as he closes the door and is soon met with a bone crushing hug.


"Taehyung," Namjoon walks in, "you wouldn't need to kill anyone when Jin is perfectly capable of taking someone down by himself, but Taehyung is right, where were you?" He asks.

As Jin steps into the house, he wobbles over to the couch in a tired way and gets ready to explain where he was

*time skip because I'm lazy at and writing it would just be filler*

"Aaahhh, you're so lucky! I knew he was hiding something, but I didn't expect a cute younger sister!" Taehyung exclaims, as he snuggles closer to Jin's left side

"I'm more surprised she didn't slam the door in your face when you were covered head to toe in the blood of someone you mutilated." Namjoon says as he plops down on Jin's right.

"That's what intrigued me so much, that she let me in, instead of being some scared little lamb." Jin says as he muses over the encounter.

"So she's going to become part of your collection?" Taehyung asks with an evil grin already spreading across his God-carved, devilish features.

They say that Satan, the king of Hell, used to be the most beautiful angel that God ever created and had went by the name of Lucifer. If Lucifer were down here and next to Taehyung, it would be hard to say who would win in a contest of looks.

"Yes, Taehyung, she is, so keep you and your bloody hands off. I don't need another dismembered body from MY COLLECTION being found in yours ever again." Jin sternly states as he gets up to go revisit his collection.

"Mum's the word, big brother, but don't blame me if she starts getting closer to me instead." Taehyung says, grin still splayed across his face.

"Was that simplistic gesture really all it needed to get you hooked? Or was it something else?" Namjoon asks, still skeptical on his older brother being hooked over a seemingly simple girl.

"Well....... there is also the fact that she is Min Yoongi's sister." Jin says, a grin starting to form on his own face. "Wouldn't you guys be interested in seeing his expression when his sisters life is in my hands?" Jin says, starting to just cackle at the thought.

"When I had the talk with him, he pulled the most exquisite angry expression I had ever seen on him. That pure rage, nothing but killing intent. If we utilized that killing intent towards his side assassin job, we would get things done faster, no?" Jin looks back at his brothers.

Namjoon was surprised, hearing Min Yoongi would even be capable of showing any emotion. Taehyung wasn't surprised, mainly because the source of Yoongi's many irritated, annoyed, upset, and angry expressions were all thanks to Taehyungs non-stop chatter, bugging, and once in a while threats.

"Well then, what are you waiting for? Just go and get her now." Namjoon says, already feeling a bit tired over this entire situation.

"That's the point, she's so different, I don't know how to capture her properly." Jin states, already formulating 10 different plans to captivate or capture her.

"I will be going to visit her another time." "OOH OOH OOH!!! CAN I COME?! CAN I COME?! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE????" Taehyung starts jumping up and down and begging.

"We'll see, Tae Tae, we'll see." Jin says as he walks to his room, ready to draw out his plan.

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