Chapter Four

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The Missing Daughter of Harry Styles

Chapter Four

Darcy/ Darcy's POV

-Cause all of me loves all of you-

I searched for my phone. Then I answered it. "Hello?"

"Dary. Wake up! Its 6 am already" Lawrence voice beamed into my phone. I groaned. "Come on sunshine! I will be there in 30 minutes. I'll bring coffee"

"Okay. Im up" I said then hung up. I ran to the shower. Dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I opened my closet and picked and outfit. "I need to go shopping" I said while rummaging to my clothes.

I picked my black jeans, white laced sweater, vans shoes, beanie and scarf. I lifted my bag up and ran downstairs. I heard a car honk outside. I walked outside and saw Lawrence smiling brightly at me.

"Good Morning beautiful" He greeted and walked towards me. "You look gorgeous today" He kissed my forehead.

"I could get used to this" I put my hands on his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Here" He gave me a starbucks coffee.

"Thank you. Ohh and Good Morning too" I winked at him and I hopped inside his car. Then we drove off to school.

"Mom wants to invite you this saturday night. Family Barbecue night" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"They want to see you again and I want to introduce you to them as my girlfriend" He smiled then I blushed. "You're cute when you blush"

I groaned. "Stop making me blush. My stomach is crunching" I said then he laughed. Then we arrived at school. I stepped out his car.

"Here. I bought you Oreo cookies" Lawrence gave me the cookies. "In case you want something to eat" He smiled then he puts his arm around my shoulder. We walked in the school. Then people started whispering and staring.

"Lawrence. I don't like attention" I whispered to him.

"Don't mind them" He said then we stopped at my locker. I opened it and put my football outfit there. I took my book and shove it in my bag.

"Good Morning best friend!" Nathan startled me.

"Best friend?" I closed my locker.

"Yeah! Were best friends from now on" He smiled at me and I nod.

"And she's my girlfriend" Lawrence butt into our conversation.

"Girlfriend?" Nathan asked.

"Long story. I'll tell you later bestfriend" I winked at him.

"Okay" Nathan pouted.

"Long story? Best friend? Girlfriend?" Lucas said. "What going on?" He asked.

"Im Dary's best friend and Dary is the girlfriend of Lawrence" Nathan said. "She's going to tell me everything because Im her bestfriend" Nathan stuck out his tongue. Then Lucas was shocked.

"Woah" Zack said.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Ouch, you all didn't notice me" Zack said then all of us laughed.

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