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Asanda | Carly

"Carly I can't be seen with you for a long time"

"Why? Asanda I haven't seen you in a long time and you've been ignoring my calls--"

"Carly I'm in trouble. Jamie--"

"He's back isn't he? He's doing it again isn't it?"

"Yeah-- He has his bodyguards everywhere and won't let me leave the house. Its so much worse Carly. I'm not even allowed to talk to you"


"There's not enough time. Call my parents and inform them of what happened"

"Asanda your parents are abroad"

"Please make a plan Carly. I need you and I really have to go before I'm killed"


"Please. Please Carly. I need you Carly"

"I won't let you down. I love you best friend"

"I love you too-- Shit, its Jamie's goon. I have to go!"

 I have to go!"

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Written: 16 April 2018
Published: 09 May 2020

---146 Words---

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