Nathan- One

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A/N: here comes another other. This book took me honestly FOREVER to write, so I hope you enjoy it.

Nathan noticed two things when he left his house at seven o'clock Monday morning. The first thing was that his best friend had taken his mother's car that morning to pick him up, and the second thing he noticed was that it was far too hot outside for the first day of practice.

He was tempted turn around and go back inside where he knew his bed would welcome him back, but Jean began to obnoxiously honk the horn at the sight of Nathan just standing on his front porch grimacing the car. Sighing, Nathan hoisted his tennis bag further up onto his left shoulder and went to appease his friend, trying his hardest to ignore the small beads of sweat that were already gathering along his hairline.

"Morning," Nathan greated unenthusiastically as he opened the back door to Jean's mother's car, swinging his tennis bag off of his shoulder then and trying to force it into the small backseat alongside Jean's own bag. His friend pressured him to do it faster.

"You're letting all the cold out," Jean complained and Nathan ignored him, continuing to wrestle with his bag. When satisfied, he slammed the back door and a moment later, joined his friend in the front seat. "God damnit, Daily. We're going to be late".

"Well you're clearly in a great mood," Nate remarked, buckling his seatbelt as Jean accelerated out of his driveway and shot down the street, driving at least twenty over the speed limit. "I thought you'd be excited to see Green. How long has it been?" At mention of their coach, and previous student teacher from many years past, Jean perked up.

"Not since school ended," Jean confirmed. "I'm anxious. I mean, what if he got his hair cut or something". Nathan hummed, not really seeing why a haircut was such a big deal. Jean suddenly scoffed. "You just had to take your damn time. What if Lawson gets there first and hits on him?" Nathan's eyes rolled and he directed his attention out of the window of the car. Lawson, their teammate didn't have the guts to hit on their assistant coach. Besides, Nathan was almost positive that Lawson had no interest in Green; he just wanted to improve, and Green was the person to help him do just that. The fact that Jean got jealous every time he saw his rival hanging around the coach was probably just a plus to Lawson. "It's also a fucking million degrees and while Green is a saint, you know that Coach Renly is going to make us run regardless. That fucker wants us to be miserable".

"At least we get to exercise," Nate pointed out absently and Jean scoffed at the unpopular opinion. Slowly, Nathan's attention shifted to him. "What?"

"You're such an anomaly, Day. Way to concerned about how you look to other people," Jean claimed and Nathan frowned at his friend for a second. "Why don't you try to achieve something other than being hot? There are better things for you to work towards".

"What do you mean?" Nate asked, turning his head to look forward instead of at his friend. "What's so wrong with being healthy".

"I feel like you're doing it for the wrong reasons. If you need confidence, why don't you just get a hot girlfriend?" Nathan didn't want to justify this with a response so he remained silent. "No? Alright, well, why don't you aim for state this year then? That'll make you feel good about yourself, give you a real reason to exercise and eat the way you do, and while you're at it, you could give me some company," Jean said, grinning cockily and Nathan groaned softly. It wasn't that he didn't want to go to state, just that when he had gotten his hopes up the year before he ended up putting himself under too pressure and ruining not only his dream, but his partners.

"I kept you company last year," Nate pointed out. "I still went to see you, even though I wasn't playing".

"Oh please, you weren't paying attention to me. I doubt you even watched me for a minute," Jean accused, and Nate shot him a look of confusion. "You were too busy having sex with what's his face in the bathroom".

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