Chapter 37

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Demi's POV
"What's happening to me"

Next thing I remember is bright lights,   and thinking man who the fuck drives with their brights on ?

Well, that asshole hits us. So I black out. His car t-bones us hitting Saavvi's side head on. I come to and her face..... Her beautiful face now covered in blood. Her head lays on the steering wheels as mine is pressed up against the dash, her body bloodied from top to bottom. Sirens and ambulances can be heard, we make eye contact and I can see the fear and pain in her eyes. She tries to reach out for me but passes out probably from the pain of moving.

Now I'm getting pulled from the car and there's sirens and lights everywhere. So fucking loud ugh, my head. I wake up and both of us are in stretchers being wheeled out of an ambulance. I feel like absolute shit. My head, my ribs, my arm, fuck this hurts. What is with these bright ass lights !?!? I realize that I'm moving and there's people talking.....talking about me.

I pass out again and this time the pain is tolerable but I'm still kind of hazy. I look over to my arm and see a cast on it and Styles resting her head on my bed asleep. I move to wake her and i get this sharp pain and yell/groan and she wakes up. "Oh my god Demi!" She goes out and calls for the doctor and rushes back in . "When I got the call you guys had been in an accident I thought you guys were gone, I sped the whole way here, i just didn't know what to do I..." She starts to talk really fast and panic so I cut her off "Styles, slow down....I'm okay. Beat up and a headache the size of Texas but I'm alive" she stars to cry so I take her hand.

Just then the doctor walks in and introduces himself. "Hello Demi, I'm doctor Lamar. How are you feeling ?" Taking in everything for the first time being conscious, I take note of my pain.

"Im alright, still a bit hazy tho" He writes something on the clipboard in his hands. Before he could say anything Marrissa walks in looking like she's been crying. " Oh my god Demi your awake, I was so worried" she sits in the chair on the opposite site of Styles and grabs my good hand. Feeling a bit confused I look at Dr. Lamar. "Well you have a broken arm, and wrist, 3 cracked ribs and a concussion, but I think you will be able to discharge in a couple of days." He says to me with a smile at the end, but why didn't he say anything about Saavvi ? "Great, thank you. Where is Saavvi ? She was driving"

Styles and Dr. Lamar look at each other and Mar can't make eye contact with me. Dr Lamar speaks up. "Ms Taylor is currently in surgery. She suffered severe brain damage along with internal bleeding. The list goes on but I think you should get some rest. There is a whole team dedicated to Saavvi in the operation room. We're going to do everything we can"

At this point my good hand is no longer in Marissas, but now covering my mouth with tears falling over them. Im trying so hard not to fall apart right now. I can't lose her. We just started this beutiful thing and now its in jeopardy.

Dr Lamar keeps talking . Something about needing anything and a nurse coming by later but I just want to fall apart. I can't stop crying . Out of all the trauma my body has been through in these last hours my heart is the thing that hurts the most .

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