Chapter 01- The Beggining

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a/n - 2021 - uhhh so I usually don't do a/ns cause I don't really like doing them. But I guess I want to make a quick announcement/reminder that I wrote the majority year 1 when I was a naïve 6th-7th grader that didn't know exactly how to write. So uh yeah. The last chapter of year 1 and the first couple of year 3 was written when I was a freshman 9th grade and had a few brain walls actually working.

I'm a sophomore now and trying my best to write better. Anyways, thank you. ❤️


I sat on the border of the clearing that separated the forest from the cabin that me and my godfather lived in.

"Come on Lupin..." I thought to myself "He should be here any second now..."

I then saw a shape of a man come around the corner. I ran and hugged the figure. It hugged me back. The man had his hair askew and a couple of scars on his face.

This man was my godfather Remus Lupin. And my name is Inspire Black. And of course you can guess that my father is the Azkaban delinquent Siris Black. But I have a strong feeling he is innocent for the "crimes" he has "committed." But of course today is the day I go and visit him in that hell of a prison.

Lupin patted my back and we walked to the small cabin we called "home."

"How was last nights transformation?" I asked

"Good. Although, I awoke with a deer corps next to me." He responded alarmed.

"Well then... at least it wasn't a muggle... again..." I said gratefully.


"Ah...ok." I said sarcastically.

"Well then. I've got to go and get ready for Azkaban. Are you coming this time?" I asked him while putting on black robes.

"Maybe..." he responded.

"Well hurry up and make a decision cause I'm leaving in five minutes."

"Hmm...well okay the . Let me get my wand. Do you have yours?"

"Yeah." I responded taking out my wand and showing it to him.

I had gotten my wand earlier than most young witches and wizards do. This is because I had to defend myself from dementors in Azkaban since I visited a lot.

Lupin opened a drawer and took out his wand. While he was doing this a barn owl appeared holding a letter. I grabbed the letter and sat down while the owl rested. The owl had caught Lupin's attention. He walked over to where I was sitting and looked over my shoulder.

The envelope has a wax seal and was easily identified as a Hogwarts letter. My heart flipped. I opened the letter and read it out loud. It read:

Dear, Ms. Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I stopped there because my heart rate had sped up twice as fast. I'm going to Hogwarts! I got up and looked at Lupin. We both were wearing a smile. We hugged each other and then it
struck me.

"Lupin. What am I going to do about my...animagus form?"

"Same as I did with me being a werewolf. Sneak out and explore. If anyone figures out stay calm and don't engage conflict!" He explained. And I nodded.

"Well let's go! I've got a new memory for my patronus!" I said joyfully pulling him towards the fireplace. I run to the bookshelf and grab a pot filled with black powder.

I grab some and step in the fireplace with a big smile. Then I cleared my throat and yelled " AZKABAN!" And threw the powder on the floor and green flames arose. I saw many exits while I awaited for my drop off. But for some reason the trip slowed down.

I decided to step out and inspect the situation. I took out a small plastic bag with more black powder in it. But then I realized that a boy about my age with messy, jet black hair, electric green eyes, and circle glasses was staring right at me.

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