Chapter Twenty

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Monika gasp after getting hit in the head. She quickly sit upright glancing around the room she is in. Then she closely looked at her body. "Am I back to the present?" 

"Ah, you're awake." Said the nurse. 

"Ma'am, can you tell me where I am? And why I'm here." Monika couldn't remember how she ends up there. 

The nurse smiled. "Well, you're at the hospital. Two girls witness you jumping out the window on the third floor of the school building."

Monika already have a headache trying to figure out how she got back without her own will. He smacked her head pretty hard and the pain did felt so real. 

"However, something strange is that you actually didn't have any injuries even though you spilled a lot of blood on the way here--what miracle." The nurse added. 

Monika's eyes widen. "No injuries?" Then she thought of that moment where she crashed out the window with that boy. The two girls must be Yuri and Natsuki whom were still in the club room. They must have saw her act since they didn't mention the boy she saw. Monika shook her head. No, I'm not going crazy, it is real. 

"Since you're awake now I'll notify the doctor and so you can go home this evening." The nurse walks out the room shutting the door from behind. 

Suddenly she notice a note on the table next to the bed. Monika reached for it and opens it.

Please don't interfere I don't want to hurt you again.


The note doesn't show the name, but she already knows who it is. Gesturing her hand she opens file after file and the changed file that she opened before wasn't there anymore. Monika lays back on the bed feeling stuck where she is, she can't go back. Then she glanced at the window where the curtain is opens. She watches the dusk sky turns dark where the sun meets the horizon. 

"I just want everything to go back to how they were." Monika said to herself. 

"But is that what you really want?" Asked the familiar voice. 

Monika turns her head looking at his yellow eyes. "It's you again." 

He smiled sweetly. "I was really worried about you when you took us down like that. At least my precious Monika didn't die, it would be a sad thing for me if you were gone." 

"How did you manage to control the files like me?" She wondered. 

He strolled to the window, "You can ask me anything and I'll answer it, but to that question the answer is classified. I guess you could say that hanging out with you eight years ago really changed me as a character. Yes, I wasn't supposed to know anything, yet the information spills into my mind just like that when you held my wrist that day." 

"That day?" Monika felt confused. 

"The day that I promised to show up at Haruhi's house to go to the amusement park with you and our friends. I saw everything and you can't undo what is done. Also, I made sure you wouldn't be able to delete the game whether you can still play the piano or not. The game's delete system is completely blocked by my own jurisdiction." He looks outside the window. "Isn't the evening beautiful today?"  

"Am I just a bird that can no longer fly for you? The reason why you lock me in a mental cage like this." Monika wondered. 

"Eh?" The boy smiled. "Don't get me wrong, I just want to spend the rest of my life with the person that accepted me as who I am. It is you after all." He comes and sit at the edge of the bed. "The little me wouldn't be able to say this, but at least we're young adults now. So this is my confession for you. I love you, Monika. Would you spend the rest of eternity with me?" 

"W-what the hell is wrong with you? You killed the person I like and then say you love me?" Monika felt so unsatisfied with him and his actions.

"I did it for you, at least appreciate my effort. It's not nice for my precious to think negatively of me." The boy gently put his hand on her cheek. "It was hard for me to convince changes at least give me a little reward--a kiss maybe? I mean, we haven't really done anything physically romantic just remotely so far." 

His other hand grabs Monika's hand as he slowly comes closer to her face. Their lips just inches close from each other. Before he could do so she promptly pushed him off the bed. Monika averts her eyes, "I hate you so don't try and get close to me." 

He stands up sighing to himself. "I guess it takes time for you to accept the me now. After all it has been eight years, but don't even try to fall for anyone else or else I'll get rid of them. I'll make sure their death is painful and slow." 

Both of Monika's hands grip onto the blanket tightly. "You're just pure evil." 

"Don't call me that, my precious. I just want you to stay away from those oblivious people. You should be glad I didn't kill Haruhi. I let him go because he isn't in your future, so I have no reasons to get rid of him. After all, Yumi does deserve his company. I don't want her to end up being lonely." He smiled sweetly. 

Monika doesn't know what else to do, her administration privilege is minimized to the point where she can't change the important files anymore. It's like he has some other additional privileges that she doesn't have which surpasses her. 

"Today is Saturday, I actually wanted to go to the Ferris wheel with you like what you told me before, but I guess the day doesn't matter anyways. We can go on it whenever you feel like it. We can do anything that you think is fun." The boy walks to the door. "I would like you to live your life with your club mates and continue on with the festival. I'll be outside waiting for you to change into your casual clothes." 

Then he shuts the door from behind. Monika really feels stuck, since there's nothing she can do anymore she would have to do what he said. Continue the festival and see what her future holds. Although she could already tell that that boy won't ever leave her again. 

"I should be contented, but I can't just let him do all those awful things to him." Monika stands up getting out of the bed, she changed into her casual clothes and walks out of the patient room. 

"Wow, you look pretty cute in those." He smiled looking at her. 

"Be quiet, I know you aren't visible to everyone here." Monika walks to the lobby. 

"Does it matter?" 

"It does!" 

He quickly grabs her hand. "At least hold hands with me~" 

Monika immediately blushed, as soon as she does so she would snatch her hand back to herself. "We're not even couples!" 

He laughed. "I love it when you blush, it makes you look ten times cuter." 

Monika stormed out of the hospital after working on some papers. "YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE!" Hiding her burning face as she walks a decent distance away from him. 

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