↠Will You Be There? - 010

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As Remus started to wake up, the world was hazy, and he could feel the cooling sensation of freezing water dripping down his face

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As Remus started to wake up, the world was hazy, and he could feel the cooling sensation of freezing water dripping down his face. Remus's eyes were opened and he could barely make out the blur that was dabbing the wet washcloth across his forehead. "Remus?" The voice was feminine. "Huh?" Remus almost couldn't get his words out his throat was so sore. "Are you okay, love?" His vision slowly came through and he came face-to-face with a worried looking Sage. "What... What are doing here?" Panic started to rise in his chest. "Let's not worry about that right now, alright? Let me take care of you a second. Do you anything? Food, water, extra clothing?" Sage started listed things, trying to distract the boy. "Water... Water would be nice," Remus looked down at his hands and fiddled with them.

As Sage left to go get him water, he instantly knew what he did wrong. Remus knew that Sage had to stay late for her last class, and yet he insisted that she met him in the forest. He wanted to see her before he transformed. He wanted to see if the memory of her last long enough for his other side to process it stay calm. 'I must have written the wrong time,' Remus kept thinking to himself. When Sage returned with his glass of water, she also returned with a chocolate bar. "Candy?" He looked at her strangely. "You said this kind was your favorite, so I thought it would be nice for you to have some," Sage handed him the items and smiled gently. "So, what happened last night?" Remus asked after he drank the water. "Remus..." Sage gave him a look of sadness. "Listen, I'm... I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you what was going to happen. What I have. But, time seemed to run short. All I can do at this point is tell that I'm sorry, and, if you don't want to be friends with anymore, I get it. A Queen should have never been involved with a... a beast,"

Sage stared at Remus with watery eyes. She couldn't believe that he was saying those things about himself. "Remus, why would you say that?" Her voice cracked as she looked at him. "I know the way people think of Werewolves. They think lower of them then Muggle-Borns, and that says something. You have other things to think about than being friends with someone like me," Remus looked back at her, the same misty glare in his eyes too. Sage reached out and grabbed his hand, rubbing soft circles on the top of it. "What kind of person do you think I am? Do you honestly think that low of me?" Remus was stunned at her words. "Sage..." He muttered. "I have been your friend for five years and have stuck by your side without knowing this secret, do you really think that now I would give you up? I took you to meet my mother, the one who I watched slowly die in front of me since second year, I had you sit front row at my coronation, right next to my family. You're my best friend, Remus, basically, my brother," Tears stained her face.

"How... How can I hate the boy who held my as I waited to be called out for the crown? How can I hate the boy who sat with me hours after my mother had died? I cannot hate you, I never could," Remus looked back down at his hands, shame made it's way to his heart. "You're too kind, Sage, too pure," He mumbled to her. "That's a good thing, Remus. It takes a strong heart to be kind and pure in the world we live in." Sage whipped her tears from her face with a small smile. "Remus! Mate! Are you okay?" Sirius exclaimed as the other two boys trailed behind him. "I'm fine," Remus smiled at them and laughed when they started wrestling for a seat. "Has anyone noticed how we have the oddest group of friends? I mean, James is a rich boy who doesn't know how to control himself, Sirius is from the most respected wizarding family in the world, and yet he denies his heritage and could care less, Peter is an Irish boy who is the most normal out of all of us, I'm a Werewolf, and then we have Sage, Queen Of England," Remus was laughing through the entire speech, and the others laughed along with him. "Peter is the luckiest, I swear," Sirius was laughing harder after his words.

And The Group Laughed, And They Didn't Stop, Because They Were Happy, And Nothing Else Mattered. Tears Turn To Smiles, Smiles Turn To Tears, It Just A Matter Of How Much You Do Both.

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