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Jade's P.O.V.

It has been a week since that night and he hasn't texted me or talked to me once. I didn't think I did anything to scare him off, plus sometimes I catch him staring at me out the corner of my eye then when I look over at him he turn his head away. I don't get it! I thought I was really nice to him, for the most part. Fine, if he wants to play it that way and ignore me, I'm not going to be him anymore. He had his chance, and he wasted it, no one is nice to me and then ignores me.

I showed up to Sikowitz's class early again and sat beside Cat as she looked at me weird.

"What?"  I asked.

"What happened to your knuckles?" I looked down avoiding her gaze.

"I... punched my mirror." She gasped and asked why. I paused for a moment then told her and she hugged me.

"Oh, Jadey, It'll be okay." I shrugged and looked down as I heard a familiar laugh behind me. I wasn't going to say, do anything or even look. I closed my eyes and planned on taking a short nap for the last five minutes until I heard a slap and a familiar red head yell.

"HOW COULD YOU??!!!" I laughed as I saw Beck hold his cheek  and Cat sit back down next to me as if nothing happened.

"Cat! Why did you do that?"  Sikowitz said standing in between the window. She looked around and shrugged.

"He deserved it." I said looking at her and we both smiled and started laughing.

"Okay, on with class then!"

After Sikowitz's class we all had singing/songwriting class. Today was Tori's turn to sing for her assignment. We could either sing a song from the radio and put our own twist on it or write one. Some people go an entire year without having to write a song, I don't get it, why would you take this class if you don't write songs? But hey, that's them, and my brother... 

Tori sang "The Middle" by Zedd ft. Maren Morris. Figures, her song writing sucks. This past week I have actually written a song and even tho I signed up for the end of the month, my teacher said I could go today. It's called "Tell Me" my big sister helped me write it, Oh, yeah, I have a big sister, She's technically my moms friends daughter but we are super close, and look alike, so we just tell everyone we are sisters. She told me to write down my feelings, and I didn't think they would all be about Beck, but they were. And singing always made me feel better, except when the person who your song is about is in your class and staring at you as you walk up, but I just closed my eyes and let the recorded track play in the background and make everything disappear as I sang.

"I think I know, what this is

But I don't know about you
Is this what I think, please tell me
I want to know how you feel

There's something going on
It's never gonna go wrong
It's pretty obvious
We've known it all along

You know, 'cause you've been there
That I need to know what's going through your head

Please tell me

Can't you tell me, you see it

What do you think just say it
I wanna know how, you feel

There's something going on
It's never gonna go wrong
It's pretty obvious
We've known it all along

You know, 'cause you've been there
That I need to know what's going through your head
You don't have to keep a secret
Please tell me

Tell me what's going on
So I know if I'm doing the right thing
Tell me so I can see
It'd be nice if I can get this in writing

You know, 'cause you've been there
And I need to know what's going through your head
You don't have to keep a secret
Please tell me

You know, 'cause you've been there
That I need to know what's going through your head
You don't have to keep a secret
Please tell me"

I tried hard to just concentrate on the song but the one time I opened my eyes I stared right at him and all my feeling spilled out for him whether he knew it or not. I just wanted him to tell me what he was thinking. After the song everyone clapped and I saw I only had two minutes left until the bell so  I grabbed my stuff and ran out the room about to cry until I ran into my brother Lucas.

"Hey baby sis, What's wrong?"  That's when I put my hands to my face and started crying. He hugged me and pulled me into the janitors closet. I hugged him and didn't want to let go. I can't believe I was crying over a boy. I heard the door open and Cat came around and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Cat, what happened?" She looked at me and I nodded telling her it was okay to tell him, and that may have been a mistake... He is really protective of me and I could tell he was getting mad as  Cat kept talking.

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"Luke, NO!"

"He hurt my little sister, you think I'm not going to do anything?"

"Luke, You'll get expelled!"

"I don't care! He made you cry, and you never cry. I'm not going to do nothing, especially since you cried in front of me."

"Don't do anything! I mean it!"

"Jade, I love you to much to do nothing." He started walking to the door but my voice stopped him.

"If you put one finger on him you'll get in trouble, then who will I go to? Emily doesn't go here." He sighed.

"Fine, I won't do anything."

"Thank you. Now can we go to lunch?" He laughed.

"Sure, whatever you want sis." We all walked to lunch and Luke hugged me, kissed my head and walked over to his friends to sit on the balcony so he could keep an eye on me like always. Me and Cat sat at a table away from Beck and everyone else and we talked until Tori came over...




"I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out after school, listen to music, watch some movies?"

"Sure!-NO!" Me and Cat said at the same time.

"Please Jadey, It'll be so much fun! You can even bring Emily! PWEEEESSSSEEE???"


"Who's Emily?" Tori asked.

"No one!"

"Jade's sister."

"You have a sister!!???"

"No, I gotta go, see you tonight." And I walked away to go to script writing class and wait for this dumb get together with Vega. Then I remembered I needed to actually ask Emily since she does have a life and doesn't exactly live right down the road, its about an hour drive to her place.

ring      ring     ring


'Hey, Emy, It's Jade'

'Oh, Hey J! How was it? Everything alright?'

'Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out and keep me company at this dumb get together with Tori and Kitty...?' I crossed my fingers hoping it would work.

Hope you liked it!!! Leave comments.
All rights to song goes to First to Eleven.

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