chapter 9

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Never make the mistake of neglecting others just because you think you are with the right person.they might never be there when you realize their worth!

   The next morning I was the first to call Chris,i wasn't even sure i had enough sleep because I was so anxious to see him the next bad because I think I was the first to wake him up,his voice was grumpy but sexy as hell in the morning.hey I'm sorry if I woke you up,no it's fine I was actually dreaming about!that statement from him really got me blushing and twisting my hair like an are we seeing today?no babe I have things I need to take care of,i really felt sad that I wnt be seeing him.dont worry i will make it up to you.promise?yes I promise.i love you,when those words left my mouth I was shocked i said that aloud,i think chris felt that way too.because he took time replying me I love you too.i hung the phone immediately.dont get me wrong I do love Chris,but I was scared admitting it to him again,so it wnt get to him and he will end up hurting me again.but I'm like that I think it's hard hiding who you really are no matter how much you try to pretend you don't care,if you really care and pretend not to just a little time is what is needed before you start showing your true friends do tell me the problem with me is that am not good at hiding my feelings.its been long I wanted to tell Chris I love him,i finally did.i just hope he doesn't use it against me again.
   Crystal called me to tell me to get ready,that we will be going for dance rehearsal.i must confess I totally forgot everything about dancing,chris has so clouded my mind and activities.crystal told me how Ben told them that he has been trying to reach me.and he sounded worried.its okay crys,i will see him today.see you in few minutes,i then hung up.i really felt bad that I have been avoiding Ben,he called me several times the night he left us,but I was on call with Chris and I didn't want to end chris call for his,even after I ended the call with Chris I just decided to call him the next day,which I didn't.even the time I was on date with Chris he still called but I didn't pick nor did I call back.thinking of it right now am really a bad I picked my phone and dialled his line and he picked at first ring as if he was expecting my call.hey jas!his voice really sounded! good morning ben!Im really sorry I have not been able to call jas is fine I guess you have been busy?yeah I have,see you at practice.okay!then I hung up.after brushing my teeth and bathing. i wore a crop top with leggings and my favorite dancing shoe.i didnt want to brush my hair I decided to wear a face cap.when I was done dressing I decided to skip breakfast and pick a cup of coffee in the café down the street.i called ericka to tell her I was coming out,she called the others.that was our routine anyday we wanted to go out,especially practice we will meet at a place,then we will all go together.when I was about leaving I saw my mom driving in.f finally she is back I was so happy,she got out of the car,i went and hugged her welcome mom.thanks baby.where are you off to? practice,im late already mom see you when I get home.sure baby,she then pecked my right cheek.i sure did miss my mom.i hope she stays for long this time.i got coffee for myself and the girls when I saw them I gave their coffee to them.someone looks so bright and unusually beautiful this morning,s seriously eve?and you never told me I always looked ugly,yh! didn't want you feeling inferior.whatever!eve was the last person I wanted to deal with this peaceful morning.i noticed ericka and Crystal wasn't saying anything.whats wrong with our drama queen? did she have her tongue pierced this time around?evelyn gave out an anxious I think she didn't get enough sleep.i looked at Crystal and she avoided eye contact with me.o Kay girls please tell me what's really going on,im not enjoying the silence especially from you Erick.i noticed eve was shaking her head,she didn't know I saw her doing it.jas chris might be cheating on you!that was ericka,she said it as if she had special hatred for Chris,and if chris was really there i think she could first pour the cup of hot coffee on him first,before she would think of other ways of torturing him.i didn't want to believe her,but she is my bestfriend.they all are,and I  believe they won't want to hurt be fair so I asked,"why do you think chris will do that to me?we saw him with a chubby girl entering there,eve said pointing at the eatery that was close to where we were standing.but I didn't see his car packed anywhere close,i know ever since I came back with Chris my friends were never in support.they were putting up with him just because of me.i was the last to jump into conclusion because of what I just heard.i don't judge base on what I hear but what I if the wind heard my thought,i felt an unusual air,then I turned behold was chris with his hand on a girls shoulder,looking closer it was the same Jennifer that made us break up,the same Jennifer i asked him to pick between the both of us,at Impulse my coffee dropped on the floor,ericka held my hand as if chris felt my presence he looked across and his eyes landed on mine he removed his hand from Jennifer's shoulder,and the stupids girl eyes landed on mine too.i wanted to cry,i wanted to scream,i wanted to break down but I can't do that.not again,atleast not for the same guy.i inhaled deeply and went close to him,ofcourse my friends sticked around.when I got closer to Chris,i just smiled and folded my arms,i think he was shock more.definitely he was expecting me to cry or do any other thing but smile.i guess this is the business you are taking care of I said it with much detest and looked at Jennifer from head to toe,poor girl she looked frightened because she couldn't even look at me.i went closer to her which got her startled.bitch!and that was from ericka.comeon Erick don't be rude.she Is innocent I think my friends were surprised,and you smell nice too.this time around Jennifer's startled chubby face looked up to me wide eyed.believe me everybody was so surprised.i was surprised at myself too.but I guess nothing is gained from being violent or holding on.jas!and that was chris i looked up to him,you don't have the right to call my name,i just hope you know you just made your choice,please don't ever call me and I wish you happiness.i looked down at Jennifer and smiled again.i was just praying not to break down.i walked out.jas plea..just as Chris was calling out to me ericka kicked his ball,so did eve, when he bent to his knees holding onto
His tortured gonad,crys was the last to leave,she tapped chris on his back when he looked up to answer her she slapped him and then walked out too.we didn't say anything to each other until we got to
The studio.i don't blame anyone but myself,if my relationship failed with Chris the first time why then did I think it would work the second time?I could have asked my self this question.since I can't be angry at myself for long.i had to let go of it and grow up.just as we got to the studio I saw ben standing outside probably waiting for me with a wrapped up snack in his hand.immediatly he saw me,his face widened in a smile.and I was so happy I didn't shut him off completely...

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