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I'm too lazy to edit this so if you rudely point out typos I'll kill you


After Ashton left for good and I went back inside, I was yelled at for what feels like hours before my mother finally decided to leave me alone for a while. I argued with her until she finally just gave up, claiming she didn't care anymore about what I did with my life.

It hurt a little, yes, but at the moment I was more concerned with my relationship with Ashton than anything else. And I know that my number one priority right now shouldn't be some boy that I'd only been dating for a few months, but I was too blind to see that. It's only been a few hours since Ashton and I broke up and I already felt like my whole world had ended.

I felt pathetic, about all of this, because I knew that it was my fault. I lied to Ashton about Michael and got us into this mess in the first place, and lying to him again didn't help anything. Everything would have been fine if I had just told the truth to Ashton last night, but I was too greedy and wanted to have sex with him no matter what the consequences were. I didn't really consider Ashton breaking up with me as a consequence, because I never thought that it was going to happen.

So instead of sticking around my own house and worrying about having to see my mothers face again, I left the house and decided that I should just walk around for a while until I could figure out what exactly I wanted to do.

It really didn't help at all when I saw Michael, though, as I was walking down the street and towards the nearest public bus stop. I feel like if he had been alone he would have talked to me, but of course he was with Sarah. I did my best to ignore them, but it didn't really work. They were holding hands and Michael was whispering something to her as they walked down the block, and as soon as he saw me coming towards them he stopped and backed Sarah into a nearby tree, where they then proceeded to make out like they were the only people in the world.

I was sure that Michael did that only because I was there, because it seemed so out of character. I don't think he normally slams girls into trees and kisses them, but how should I know? It's not like I could ask him about it, I was currently getting the silent treatment from him.

After I finally decided to tear myself away from the sight of Michael and Sarah sucking each other's faces off, I realized what I really needed. So I went to probably the last place I ever thought I would go back to for advice. Brooke's house.

"And then just like that, he decided that you two should end things?" Brooke asked. She picked up one of the bite sized brownies from the small plate in front of her and popped it in her mouth. She was only four months along in her pregnancy, but that didn't mean that she didn't have weird cravings. Today she was in the mood for chocolate, and she mentioned something about tacos, but I doubt that she's going to be getting anything.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly, grabbing a tissue from Brooke's bedside table. I blew my nose into again, because at the moment I was just a big crying mess. I was only at Brooke's house for about 5 minutes before I completely broke down and told her the entire story. She only interrupted once this time, to congratulate me on losing my virginity. Yay.

"What a dick. You know, I never liked him." Brooke said, eating another brownie to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"Yes you did!" I argued, looking back on all of the countless times Brooke had called Ashton hot.

"Well I definitely don't anymore." She shrugged.

"I'm just... I don't know what went wrong." I sighed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

I just thought that Ashton and I were perfect, and I didn't think that we would have so many problems in our relationship. I mean, I knew from the start that it wasn't going to be completely smooth-sailing, but I never expected that he'd break up with me simply because things just "weren't working". I don't know, the whole thing was just too overwhelming for me.

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