3.3: Noxx Adam

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"This is it! you can do it Lyka!" Lyka Henry look at the big tall gate in front of her and push the doorbell.

The big gate opened slowly and a bulky man that wears military uniform appears. The man frowns and touches his ear.

"Hey..there's a girl in front of the gate...yup, she wears nurse uniform..ahh...yeah...thank you." The man looks at Lyka for a minute before opening the gate more widely for Lyka to enter.

"Ahh...Thank you, sir." Lyka smiled widely that usually captures the heart of the men but the man still stays from his serious and frowning attitude.

"Get in quickly." The man ushers Lyka to a hall and walks until they reach a door that leads to a magnificent garden.

The garden has many different flowers and trees that bloomed beautifully but one kind of flower dominated the garden, a white rose.

At the center of the garden is a big beautiful fountain. Lyka stop her gaze at the fountain but it's not the fountain that holds her gaze but the handsome man, his silky silver hair and his clothes are wet, the man laughing gleefully by the edge of the fountain his feet inside and soaking in the water while his hand busy playing with a brown dog.

"Hahahahha...pfftt!! hahahhaha" Noxx hug tightly the unruly dog. Onyx keep scaping the tight hug but Noxx hugs him more tightly.

Onyx eyes flash, he sticks out his tongue and gave the man a long and sticky lick on the face but the man only laughs loudly at him.

"Hahaha...try another move," Noxx said that but he still put down the straggling Onyx beside him.

Onyx snorted and turn his butt at Noxx and shake his body wildly. The water in his body splashes everywhere, Noxx shields his face with his hand while the other reach for the unruly dog and hug it again tightly.

Lyka Henry was captivated by the current scene in front of her. The handsome man shines under the lights of the sun. His silver hair sparkling and his eyes glittered with happiness that you wouldn't see in the man that supposed to have a anger and violent temper like in the report said.

When the head nurse assigns her to the Heir of Adam family, she hesitates to accept it because in the past three months the rumors about the heir of Adam, Nozz Adam is a moody and indifferent man and that only worsen when the man got in an accident.

She was reluctant to accept it because he is the Heir of the Adams, she can't afford to offend him but the scene in front of her change her views about the man.

"Ah! Curly no!" Noxx hand got bitten again.

"Here, I brought you a chewy bone toy." Noxx offered the toy to Onyx.

Onyx rolled his eyes at the toy. He released Noxx hand from his mouth and jumped at the fountain when the man loosened his hold, causing the water to splash at Noxx.

"Young master"

Noxx and Onyx turn their heads at the voice, only noticing their audience.

"Why are you here?" Noxx eyes turn cold, This garden is exclusively his, no one can enter it without his permission.

"The madam said that it's getting cold, she wants you to enter the mansion and have a hot bath." The man response respectfully.

"Hmmm?" Noxx tilted his head by his silent question about the girl beside him.

"This is your personal massage therapist from now on."

"Throw that away," Noxx said as the man finish his word.

"Young ma-"

"Throw.that.away!!" Noxx snapped. he doesn't want people touching him.

Onyx jumps up and nestled at Noxx chest. *Hah! get out girl, with me here, your nothing but a bug*

Lyka froze in her place, it's the second time that men ignored her beautiful presences and cast her off like it's nothing.

Lyka did not like to boast her beautiful appearance but from a child, till she becomes a beautiful girl she was accustomed to being always praised by he appearance and people like to get close to her, giving anything that she wanted.

Noxx reached his wheelchair and sat in it.

"I don't want to see that again for the second time." Noxx wheeled his wheelchair to the door.


another chapter!

i really want to finish this arc before i got busy, this girl is just completing her requirements before my work begin. 

So pray that i will finish this arc and this girl will not get Authors bloc- i mean authors laziness. while typing this arc cause it's always happening to me while i'm halfway of the chapter. 😂😂😂✌

Lyka Henry 👇

Lyka Henry 👇

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