3.5: Noxx Adam

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This is Onyx as 18 yrs old

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This is Onyx as 18 yrs old. 👆☺

(Author is sorry for the people rooting on this beautiful man sephiroth as a seme. haha😅)


"So....what I'm modeling?" Onyx curiously look at his get up. he is not against modeling because he already experiences it in his past life.

He wore white pants, big white wings, and a choker with a red rose with a white open overcoat, showing his thin but toned body with the sensual mermaid lines and lastly Onyx mysterious tattoo that added a color to complete the beautiful but erotic image of the white angel.

Onyx sparkling green eyes stand out from the white background and his white outfit with only the red color visible.

"All of your outfits, my dear" Mommy Adam made the people beside her move the mini white throne with gold linings in the center of the white background.

The staff can't help but stare at the ethereal youth from time to time, being distracted while doing their works. The youth stood in the white background, his big wings unfurled to his straight back, his white hair freely cascade to his pale smooth skin. The white lights made him glow like a real angel that descended from the heaven.

"Ok, Onyx dear let's start" Mommy Adam held her camera and readied to capture the beautiful images.

Onyx simply sit in the mini-throne, lowering his head and lazily support his chin with the left hand and crossed his legs. His eyes blinking with sleepiness. He is too tired because of him and Noxx playtime together in the fountain a while ago.

"Ah!" The staff can't help but exclaim by the lazy but beautiful angel sitting on the throne. His big wing unfurled in his back majestically and his silky white hair scattered from his chest and face. His long eyelashes brush against his skin and teary eyes capture the people's heart.

Mommy Adam clicked her camera rapidly.

Onyx changed his pose. leaning in the throne comb his hair to the back with an arrogant smirk gracing his pouty lips, his tongue slowly traced his lower lips.

"ah! ah! I love your lazy temperament but that arrogant look is overkill." Mommy Adam held her flush face then continued taking a photo but a cold voice stop her.

"Mom" Noxx face is full of black lines after he saw the current scene. He just got here because his mother has many workrooms, finally seeing Onyx after he opened all the workroom. knowing that his mother intentionally used the farthest room to get the longer time to take photos before he stops it.

"Hehehe...hello there son. someone! give the young master water...to cool down" Mommy Adam mumbled the last word and smiled at her angry son.

Noxx ignored her and wheeled to Onyx, buttoning the buttons of the overcoat.

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