-29. Just Another Day in Paradise

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Hi to all. I hope you are enjoying my book. This chapter is mostly to show how the guys think their lives are normal. How they just talk about Zo, like it's no big thing what they're doing to her. Remember sometimes life is not fare. We get beat down, but we get back up again. We never really give up a fight. Ok there's my little uplift of the day, lol. Have a wonderful day y'all. 😇


**Paval's POV**

"Oh Dam. She moaned out Warrens name? Warren have you fücked our Zo" I said laughing as we sat in the living room drinking beers.

If Zo pulled that shït on me, I'd punish her into next week. She'd never make that mistake again. I agreed not to go to the Cabin tonight, to punish Zo. I wasn't happy that Will let her sleep on the bed, even if he did leave her chained as a little reminder.

"No I haven't fücked her! That's not my life goal, unlike you 2 & Zac." Warren said with a slight smile. I'm sure he likes the fact that she imagined him while being with Will. He can't hide it as well as he thinks. Just like he can't hide the fact that he likes something about her.

I checked on Zac with the girls in El Paso. He's loving his time with them. For someone that didn't want to be a dad anytime soon, he sure is embracing it. He's actually considering the DNA test Zo wants for us & the girls.

"Yeah Warren, what the hell, man. You're getting credit for my work" Will said, as he drank some of his beer. "I think she's learned her lesson about that though".

"You know she asked me if she could get a paternity test for us & the girls" I said leaning back on the sofa. "Maybe we should do it, then the other 2 of is can knock her up once we find out. Or 3 if you want a go with our sweet stubburn Zo" I said to Warren.

"No thanks bro. Im not planning on knocking up any woman anytime soon. You shouldn't either. Don't you guys think she's had enough punishment out there? I still can't believe you turned our old cabin fort into a punishing Cabin for her." Warren said, shaking his head

Will laughed "A punishing cabin? I like the term pleasure & decipline cabin better. Besides, why no? Were you still going to use the fort for stealing dad's whiskey in the summer." We all laughed at the memory.

"Fück off guys. You're going to wake Dana. Besides that only happend once before dad beat my ass red" Warren laughed.

"Dana's not sleep. Her rooms far enough away from here anyway. She's probably touching herself moaning your name right now Warren"

"You 2 really need to shut the hell up. It's not my fault I'm not a jackass like you too. Maybe you will get further with kindness" Warren said with his cöcky moral high ground believing self.

"Eh. We know how to handle Zo. You didn't even know she existed until last summer. We were the ones watching her & learning about her. While you were fücking your little girlfriend & working your little event business." I replied.

Will cut in "You know what. Let's see how she does tomorrow, or I guess later since it's fückin morning already. Let's take her to the store to buy a dress or 2 of her chosing. We'll kill 2 birds with one stone. We'll see how she does & she'll see how nice we can be, when she's good".

"Hell no. It was pretty much just a week ago that she tried to contact people for help & start trouble. I think she needs a few more sessions with us before we should take her out" I said.

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