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New Message from Hyunsha <3

Oh Y/n ~

I know about your secret

What secret?

Don't lie to me

Huh? About?





Why should I

Like him

When I don't know him?

Because you watch his videos

Like them

Like his posts and tweets

And comment under them

I'm being a polite fan|

I'm being a pol|

I'm bein|

He's your friend right?

So you say you stalk my friend then?



I'm shocked (●__●)

I don't stalk him pabo

But then why you follow my friends then?

Maybe you have a crush on someone else then????

Hyunsha who gave you drugs for real?

No one?

Okay look

You're single

For freaking

25 Years

Thanks for letting me realise that I'm old (¬_¬)

How can you be a single pringle for that long?!??!

Btw you're welcome (•ᴗ•)❤

Hyunsha, I'm not that pretty as you. So ofc I would be single for that long

Don't say that

You're pretty


I'm a potato beside you

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