Chapter III

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Chapter III: Jail Time Blues


Once being arrested by the police, Chloe finds herself in jail and One Direction surprisingly bailing her out.

"This is not happening! Call my mom! I don't care if you tell her I had a fake ID- I'M 16!" I exclaimed, turning around violently and getting ready to sprint out the door towards anyone not manipulated by One Direction's accents and gorgeousness.

"Hey love, long time no see." Harry Styles smirked, holding my arm roughly as I was pushed towards the exit.

Now I know why I should of been lifting weights and getting upper body strength..thanks Mr. Fields, stupid PE coach..he's probably cackling back home in the States at my misfortune.

"I will break your foot! I''LL DO IT! I'm wearing stilletos! " I shrieked as Harry Styles easily picked me up off my feet as they pushed the doors of the Metropolitan Police Department open.

The chilly London air hit me like a 1000 pound weight, crap....

I guess your wondering why I got in a detention facility for a short while or the fact I'm close to breaking someone's foot... Might as well tell you.

Well, let's just say it started with a fake ID/Passport thing and it ended in a bail sentence.


This sucked.

No- I had no words for this- NO WORDS!

My pride was taking a severe hit.

I frowned, crossing my arms as Harry Styles, who was carting me inside of a massive black Range Rover like I was a pile of logs, nonchalantly hummed.

Not only had I TRIED to unsuccessfully escape, I faced the point that I was going to either a.) die alone or b.) become One Direction's indentured servant. Either option was not so exciting, I'd rather die alone personally.

I was thrown into the backseat, my dress flying up as I face planted onto the leather seats.

"Really- thanks!" I grumbled sarcastically, as I ripped the back of my dress down and shoved myself into the left side of the car, directly under the window.

Harry smiled brightly at me like the damned mind fuck he was and got into the driver's seat. I was squished up against the window by Niall's fat arse and Louis Tomlinson- the idiot who put me in the damned prison cell in the first place!!! Zayn- who had said a whole lot of NOTHING to me, got in the front. Liam in the farthest back row.

It had to be 3 AM/ 15 o clock in the damned morning!

"Can I ask the complete idiot who came up with this blindingly brilliant idea what the hell they think their doing in the FIRST PLACE!" I growled, still crossing my arms.

The car was suddenly in reverse and out of it's tiny street side parking spot and barreling down the street.

"Someone's in a cross mood." Niall sang.

"No shit sherlock! After you and your little freak buddy sexually assaulted me and tried to make me perform oral sex on you- you throw me in JAIL! Now your kidnapping me, I cannot imagine why I would be cross." I added sarcastically, laughing like the complete maniac I felt like.

"Sounds like a personal problem." Zayn added mockingly, getting a good laugh out of the car.

"Sure. Go ahead and laugh at my misfortune." I grumbled, busy in thought.

I watched those serial killer shows, you had to convince the killer that you were devoted to them.

"I have to pee." I hissed.

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