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hyunsha.k97 : someone is letting me wait for them (C_C)

tae.taehyung and j.jk97 and 7,038 others liked this post

tae.taehyung : how did you got out without me knowing?

hyunsha.k97 : I told you but you were sleepy and probably forgot it  tae.taehyung

Fan01 : I was at that cafe a few days ago omg- 😱😍

Fan02 : Unnie you look good 😍

j.jk97 : who are you gonna meet with?

august.D_official : you listening to my new song?

Fan03 : Jungkook sounds jealous omg 😍 #jungsha

Fan05 : I like how August D is self promoting his new song on Hyunsha-unnie's page lmao

insta.chim : yah I thought we were gonna meet up today ;(

Fan05 : omo so many ships happening I- 😍😭

hyunsha.k97 : j.jk97 someone I know   august.D_official ofc ;) btw stop promoting your new song on my page istg insta.chim didn't I told you that we meet up in three days and not today?

j.jk97 : do I know them too? hyunsha.k97

Fan06istg #jungsha is real you all

august.D_official : never :) hyunsha.k97

insta.chim : oh yeah sorry I thought today was the meet up ups hyunsha.k97

Fan07 : forgetful Jimin is cute naw

hyunsha.k97 : j.jk97 no stawp asking me about them kookie august.D_official self promoting ass π=π  insta.chim lol yeah no worries <3

Fan08 : I ship #Jimsha more tho

(username) : I'm on my way I'm sorryyyy :*

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