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The next morning, you woke up to the sun beaming in your window. You woke up, rubbing your sore eyes. You look at your phone and see a few texts from friends.

Allie: OMG have you been on twitter? You need to.

Cristina: y/n... I hope you're okay. But you may want to check your twitter.

Alice: y/n... I'm crying right now. Please check your twitter.

Why is everyone saying to check your twitter?

You shrug your shoulders and click on the twitter icon.

OMG! He's so remorseful. I hope she doesn't press charges.

You guys wasn't Chantel driving the car?

Oh my god. I feel so bad for y/n.

Y'all don't know what's going on. Stop saying she's gonna press charges. You don't know anything.

Where was this coming from?

You never said you were pressing charges. It never crossed your mind. So you decided to tweet:

Don't believe the media. Don't believe the press. I haven't thought about pressing charges. It never crossed my mind.

After tweeting, it gained thousands of rts. And it didn't surprise you.

Suddenly you come across a tweet from Justin.

@justinbieber: I made a huge mistake. I hurt one of my beliebers. And I made her cry. I'm hurting so much and I hope she can forgive me. I'm so so so sorry.

Your eyes widen. He heard you cry? You thought you hung up the phone.

The doorbell rang and brought you out of your thoughts. You get out of bed and go to answer.

"Who is it?" You ask.

"It's scooter." A voice says. You open the door to reveal a smiling Scooter.

"Hi hun. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm fine." You say.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Sure." You say letting him in.

You guys sit in the living room him in front of you.

"So... What brings YOU by?" You ask putting emphasis on the 'you'.

"Well... We wanted to see if there was anything you needed."

"We? Who's we?"

"Justin and I."

You chuckle at him. What the fuck was Justin trying to pull?

"What do you mean? I'm fine."

"Well... Let me out it this way... We need to know if there'sgoing to be any lawyers involved."

You pause for a second. You knew what this was about.


"Did Justin send you over here?" You ask.

"No... He didn't."

"Then why are you here?" You snap, your anger popping out out of nowhere.

"I-I just wanted-"

"Oh I know exactly what you wanted. You came here to make sure I wasn't pressing charges. I can't believe this shit." You snap getting upset.

"Y/n... Calm down."

"Stop telling me to calm down! I can't believe Justin would do this. You wanna know the truth? I never been thought about pressing charges. And to be honest, I'm not even sure Justin was behind the fucking wheel."

"Wait. What?" He says standing up.

Your chest was rising and dropping with each shaky breath.

"Y/n... Who did you see behind the wheel?"

You take a deep breath. " A golden blond female."

"Oh my god. They were right."


"The other fans that were there. They said Justin wasn't behind the wheel. But he was so high he couldn't remember much."

Your eyes widen. "So why the fuck is hanging out with her?"

"Trust me. I don't like her as much as the next person. But it's his life. I can't tell him what to do. He's almost twenty."

"Yeah. I know." You mumble sniffing.

"Do you want to make a statement?" He asks.

You think about it. Should you make a statement? Maybe you should. It'll clear the air just a little.


"Yes. I-I do." You say.

"Okay. I'll take you if you want." He offers.

"Um... Thanks. I don't think I need to drive anyway. And I'm sorry about earlier."

He smirks. "It's okay. I understand."

Soon you guys were headed to the police station.

"Hi y/n. I'm the head detective of this case. I hear you want to make a statement?"

"Yes... I do." You say clearing you throat.

"Okay... Have a seat." He offers. Scooter sat beside you.

"So what's your statement ma'am?" He asks.

You look at scooter, earning a small nod. You take a deep shaky breath, locking your dry lips before saying:

"Justin Bieber wasn't the driver of the car that hit me. Chantel Jefferies was."

After making your statement, you felt a little relieved. The detective actually believed you. He said beliebers that were at the scene said that she was the driver. So they had reasons to believe. It was true.

"Thank you scooter." You say as he takes you back to your apartment.

"No problem. I'm just glad all of this is over." He huffs as you approach your door. Suddenly you notice a figure standing in the corner. It was pretty dark but you could tell the person had a black hoodie on.

"Justin?" Scooter asks. The figure steps into the light, taking the hood off his head. His face was red. His eyes were puffy and he was squinting just a little. His hair was a complete mess. And he was softly sobbing.

His eyes connect with yours as he approaches the both of you. He looked dangerous. Very dangerous. And the next word that came out of his mouth not only shocked you but broke your heart.

"H-how c-could you? I-I thought y-you loved me?"

(A/n: holy shit. It's getting good. Five comments. Next chapter:)

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