Lost and Found

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Shoto realized that his half was not in the same room as him after anything related to All Might had ended. It was not often his younger brother did this but it was not new either.
For some reason, Hyoto never enjoyed any TV shows related to heroes and he always left when Shoto wanted them to spend time with their mother. But Hyoto seemed to think otherwise.

Ever since Shoto remembered, Hyoto would think of something that wasn't the point. He would always try to stick up for the villain if possible. He would try to reason for the villain.

One time, Hyoto was sticking up for a villain saying that instead of focusing that the hero catching the villain, they should focus on trying to help the villain. The mother had snapped and her fury gone to Hyoto. From then on, the mother and the youngest stopped interacting.

So whenever Shoto tried to put Hyoto and their mother in the same room, the youngest would leave and be either with their father or the porch looking at something or maybe it was at nothing but would more likely be with their father if he was home.

Their father always had a soft spot for the youngest. Shoto knew because of the tender gaze their father gave the white haired boy.

Maybe it was because Hyoto was born with his quirk already manifested but Shoto had also been the same case. Shoto's and Hyoto's quirk worked differently and the latter one's quirk was more problematic than helpful.

He created snow white flames on both hands, the flame would heal wounds. A side effect was that Hyoto would constantly feel cold from the inside.
If he used his quirk a lot beyond his capabilities, the doctors theorized that the ice flame user would become a "frozen sculpture" with no way of bringing him back. So Hyoto's clothes were all specifically designed and made for him. The fabric would keep his body hot but there were times that even those clothes were not enough, especially on winter.

Enji made sure that he came home as soon as he could and left as later as he could during that season because Shoto couldn't really control his quirk. Their mother was not keen to having Shoto and Hyoto train yet so Enji had given in.

Hyoto had something else in mind and didn't follow their mother's wishes. He had gone to find their next door neighbor grandfather who was a martial artist and was being trained.
It was all fine, Shoto was happy with how his brother was. He just wished he would stay together with him. When he became old enough to be trained then he would be able to warm Hyoto just the way their father does. That way they can stay together forever.

"I am going to look for Hyo-kun!" Shoto announced and he got off the sofa and ran out of the living room. Since their father was not home, Shoto ran to the porch but it was empty. The white and red haired boy tilted his head in confusion before turning away and asked around to the house keepers. All of them shook their heads but the head housekeeper frowned slightly.

"Ara, I did see Hyoto-sama leave the living room but when I inquired where he was headed to, he failed to answer."

Shoro was feeling uncomfortable but he had faith that he would find his brother since the last place he had yet to look was their room. So he ran to their room and he slammed the door open. The room was empty and looked like it haven't been touched except for the chair and the open window.

Chair and open window... Once those two things clicked into his head, fire alarms rang into his heart. He ran throughout the house yelling out his brother's name.

"Woah, Shoto," Natsuo gasped as Shoto collided onto him.

"What's little Shoto doing at this part of the house?" Natsuo, the second son, knelt down to Shoto's eye level.

"If Shoto is here then Hyoto should be around too, where is he?" Fuyumi looked around to look for the youngest of the five siblings.

"Hyo-kun is not in the house! Hyo-kun is not home! I got to find him!" Shoto panicked and tried to struggle out of his brother's hands.

"That's weird, Hyo-kun would never leave home without any of the family members.." Fuyumi said thoughtfully.

"Is mother home, Shoto?" Natsuo asked the little boy in his arms who nodded frantically.

Natsuo frowned as he shivered, "this is giving me a bad vibe."
Fuyumi slapped the back of Natsuo's head, "Don't jinx it you idiot."

"Ah, right! I'm sorry!" Natsuo apologized.

Shoto was getting restless, "Can you let me go so I can look for Hyo-kun?!"

Natsuo shook his head and kept Shoto in place, "We can't have you run out of home as well and also, maybe he is hiding somewhere outside the house."

"Who is hiding outside of the house?" The three siblings flinched and turned around to find Rei standing there with a smile.

Shoto took this chance and ran to his mother, "Kaa-san! I can't find Hyoto! He left the house!"

Rei frowned and dug out her phone out, "I will call otou-san but make sure you look outside."

The house became a small search party, they were all looking for the boy who had gone missing until the madam came out of her room smiling but clearly upset, "Hyoto seems to have gone out of the house, he will return shortly."

So the members within the house relaxed and they waited. They waited but the boy was not returning and they were growing restless. The sun was setting and everyone started to freak out. The door rattling and opening was heard. They all ran to the entrance but the one who returned home was Endeavor.

"He is not home yet?" Enji asked, clearly surprised.

"I-I thought you called him?" Rei asked and begged silently.

"Of course I did! Who do you take me for!" He snapped. It was strange. He called the restaurant where the card was used and they clearly stated that he had left. Hyoto, even though he liked going around, he kept his promises so for him not being home before him gave Enji a bad vibe.

All of them waited idly and it was soon going to be 12 o'clock. The boy had yet to return. Just when Enji was about to call all his sidekicks, the door rattled but didn't open. Everyone ran to the entrance but Shoto, even with his short legs, ran the fastest.

He slide the door open and saw his brother, weak and shivering. He was also a mess and hurt. What had happen to him?

Before Shoto could touch his brother, Enji picked the little boy started to warm the boy up. He hastily went to the bedroom that belong to the twins.

Noticed the window open and proceeded to slam it shot. Rei quickly pressed a button on the wall and the room started to heat up.

"... papa," Enji's attention was on the weak, exhausted and not totally conscious boy. The little rascal Enji had a soft spot on, raised a small fist and grinned all too happily.

"I won..."

The father felt his heart slowly shatter. The little rascal that could die if he used a spect of his quirk, Enji never wanted his little boy to be this battered. He never wanted his youngest son to look so much weaker than he already was. The little boy he treasured, the one who was still shivering uncontrollably, was either slowly dying or slowly getting better. The ice that was forming on his skin didn't reduce at all yet the boy was doing everything he could to keep that fist raised. So the father also raised his own fist and lightly met his son's tiny one.

"I see... There will be no more fighting for you," Enji said as the tiny fist fell onto Hyoto's stomach without much life.

"Your papa and your brothers will be doing the fighting and the protecting... One of us will become number 1... You just stay safe from now on."

Even though his words were probably unheard, it helped with only to harden his resolve.

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