Discovering the secret

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I took a deep breath as I sighed at my alarm clock beeping in my ear. Today is my 16th birthday.  I have two brother who are 14, They are twins so they are usually in sync, which gets annoying at times when I want them to stop talking.

"Happy Birthday!" They shouted until I woke up.

"Ugh, Good morning to you too." I said. They laughed and I smacked them with my pillow.

I slowly got out of bed and threw on a pair of clothes. I opened my bedroom door to see my brothers racing down the stairs to see who is the fastest. "Idiots" I mumbled under my breath.

I dragged my feet  across the floor to the top of the stairs. I slowly walked down the stairs to see Anthony baking the cake and Luke getting the rooms cleaned up. Luke has always been a perfectionist making sure everything is done perfectly. Anthony on the other hand as always admired baking, he started when he was 6 so he is an excellent cook, but don't tell him I said that though.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I yelled out to say I was going on a jog and jogged out the door. I started jogging down the street and passed by a few stores on the street. I looked to the side of the street and saw a alley way. I always use this alley way to get back to my house so I started jogging through the alley way.

This is the beginning of my downfall.

As I was walking down the alley way there was a little girl sitting alone on the street and then a man started pulling her away from the open streets. "Hey! What are you doing!" I yelled at the man. I threw the man to the floor and asked the girl if she was okay. She looked around 7. The girl said she was okay.

As I led the girl to the street, she ran to her parents. They thanked me for helping the girl and went on their way. I jogged back to the alley way to head home. I passed the guy who tried to take the girl and he blocked my path. "How'd you throw me down? It takes a lot of muscle to pick a grown man up." he said. "I will throw you down again." I said, giving him the death stare.

"You aren't human are you?" he asked. "Look, you must of hit your head very hard when I threw you. I'm not anything, but human." I said. "Then you get hurt by fire?" he said, with a grin. I froze has he lit a long stick on fire. He backed me into a wall and hit my shoulder with the burning stick. It.. didn't hurt..

"Satan's right hand man had a daughter. Then the woman had twins with another man.. you must be his daughter." he said, with another grin. Everything after that was blurry. I remember my dad running into the alley way and throwing the man out the alley. After that I passed out.

After that I woke up on the couch in my dads office, he looked worried. I tried to sit up on the couch. "Eden, its not a good idea to try sitting up. You used all your energy already." My dad said. "Used all my energy?" I said, confused. I went to touch my head and felt that I had bandages wrapped around my head. "When you passed out.. You.. Used your demon powers.. and killed that man.." he said.

"D-demon powers?" I said, confused and frustrated. My father sighed. "Eden, I-I'm not your father." He said. Wait.. What? "Your mother was the queen of werewolves and had a kid with Satan's right hand man, but when she had two kids, Anthony and Luke, with a human, Fujity was furious and.. Killed your mother.." He said, looking somber. I was in shock.

I tried sitting up again, but when I went to sit up my entire body was in pain. "Eden, I told you don't try to sit up. You were stabbed. you need to lay down." He said. I.. I was stabbed.. When did that happen? I sighed. My head was pounding with a headache.

I laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Anthony and Luke opened the door to see if I was okay. "Father, what happened?" Luke asked. Father froze. Do I still call him father now? Do I call him Mathew?

Father froze and said something like I got hit by a car. Great excuse. Who is Anthony and Luke's dad? I managed to get through the pain and sat up on the couch. "Eden, Are you still in pain?" My brothers asked. "I-I'm okay." I said. They went back to what they were doing before.

"Who is Anthony and Luke's father?" I asked him. He looked at me in a sorrowful look. "Eden, I'm their father." he said. "You're their dad?" I said, shocked. "Yes." He said. "Are they werewolves?" I asked. "No, They don't have any werewolf in them, they are completely human. Its fascinating, really." he said, "You are a demon and werewolf. You are the only person like you."

My head hurts so much. My ears are pounding. My head is spinning. Everything went black. I passed out. I woke up, but this time I felt different. I sat up in my bed and felt my face. My face was still bandaged up but I sensed something was off. I looked around and my bedroom door was locked.

I went to scratch my head and.. My heart dropped. I have wolf ears? I stood up and looked behind me to see a fluffy wolf tail. I need to find something to cover this up! What can cover this up?! In the middle of me panicking someone knocked on my door. "Eden, are you okay? I saw dad rush you upstairs. He walked out your door and locked it. What happened?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay!" I quickly blurted out. "Can I come in sis?" he asked. I sighed. "Brother, If I let you in you cant tell anyone." I told him. "Okay sis." He replied. I slowly unlocked the door. The door creaked as I opened it standing behind the door. "Come in and close your eyes." I said. "Okay." He said as he walked in with his hands over his eyes. I lock the door behind him.

"You can.. open your eyes now." I said. He put his hands down from his face and slowly turned around. He stared in shock at my ears and tail. "W-What happened?" He asked, with his eyes wide open in shock. I told him everything that father told me. "So you're the only one with powers?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Mom cheated on your dad so he killed her.." he said, sadly.

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