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-Do to others, what they do to you, right? ••••        ••••        ••••

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-Do to others, what they do to you, right?
•••• •••• ••••

"I can't believe we're gonna do this." Will whispered as he stared at the reckless brunette with wide eyes.

Lucas sent the small artist a grin, before reaching into his bag.

"What he did to you wasn't right. Don't you want revenge?" He lowered his voice as they continued to crouch behind a pair of shrubs in front of Richard's house.

"I-I don't know, Lucas." Will muttered, making the taller of the two pout, while leaving his hand inside the bag. He was not gonna move it, seeing as Will seemed to be having cold feet.

After Will patched Lucas up, the two got to talking. Still high from the adrenaline they felt earlier, they decided to fill up Lucas's soccer bag with toilet paper and paint, before heading towards Richard's house.

But now, the high feeling was diminishing from Will, and he was starting to see the illegal aspect of this plan.

"Maybe, we shouldn't. I don't feel comfortable." Will nervously tugged on the end of his shirt, lightly gnawing on his bottom lip, refusing to meet Lucas's eyes.

"But we came all this way? Come on, dude." He tried to reason. When he saw the boy remain still, Lucas rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he was going to do this. But he knew he couldn't go along with the plan, if Will didn't feel comfortable. 

"Okay. If you don't feel up to it, we don't have to do it, Byers." Lucas removed his hand from the bag, and gave the boy's shoulder a light tap.

"Can we go?" Will played with his fingers. His face still down, as he felt embarrassed by his last minute pull-out.

"Come on." Lucas smiled, and the two began to walk down the road, when Will glanced at Lucas from the corner of his eye.

He wanted to looked at every aspect of the boy's face, but all he could see was that cut, and the bruised area surrounding it. The one that Richard gave him. This made Will stop in his tracks, and turn to Lucas with a twitching smile, one filled with nerves, and adrenaline.

"Never mind. Let's do this."

•• •• •• ••

Sully stared blankly at the ceiling above her as the events that took place in the girl's bathroom swam around in her head.

After Steve dropped her off, the blonde headed straight to the staircase, and dashed up the endless steps. She sought for the peaceful feeling her room would give her in a time like this, and normally it would have calmed her, but today was a different story.

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