chapter 4

88 11 4

Meg's POV

The lightning and thunder kept me awake for the longest time , after Niall left. I make a mental note to thank him the next day. The dream that I had was more than just another nightmare , it was the reminder of that horrid man , because of him I left England and my mother. It was finally morning and I race around my house , finding things to take to work.

I used to work at Marks and Spencers's as the finance manger and one day I just decided to go to America and they moved me right into the're U.S.A's branch. Which I'm very thankful to.

"Hey Niall" I say as the door opens , reviling a sleepy and shirtless Niall. 

"Hello miss. Neighbour , why are you here?" He questions with a smirk. Instantly I find my hazel eyes eyeing the tattoos decorating his chest.

" I just wanted to say thanks for the drive yesterday night." I say confidently and he gives me a sweet smile.

"Where are you headed?" He asks. His blue eyes staring at my blue shirt and pencil skirt.

"Work" I answer with a tired sigh , earning a nod from him.

"Hold on a second , what time do you have to get to work??" He asks , looking at the clock that reads eight thirty.

"I have to be there by nine fifteen"

"Okay , lets go together? I have to get to work at nine thirty anyway so I can drop you and go straight to work and you don't even have a car , so is'nt that perfect?" He chirps

"No Niall it's okay. I'll take a cab today and anyway I'm getting a car next weekend so thankyou anyway" I say and turn around to leave.

"You sure you wan't to waste money on a cab?" He asks. His rough and slightly raspy morning voice sends tingles in my spine.

"No , but thanks" I manage to choke out.

"Okay then see you around" Is the last few words I hear as the door slams shut.

The first day at work was truly amazing , I make a few friends and even get invited to a party by my colleague Luke. I sigh as I open the front door to my house and plop down on my couch but not before changing into sweats and a blue tee shirt. After a few minutes of eating the left over hash browns from breakfast , I decide to go see Liam.

"Hey Meg , come in!" He says and I walk into his house , it's really big and the colour theme is grey and black. Bright white paint cover the walls and grey sofa's cover the wooden floor.

The rest of the night consisted of Liam talking about his family and why he came to the U.S. I learned many things about him , like he's from Wolverhampton , he has two sisters and his mom and dad used to live in America before he and his sisters were born. I also came to know that he had a girlfriend , Danielle, who had the similar eyes as mine but they broke up because she was moving to Italy forever so he came to U.S to look for a job.

Talking to Liam , I did not come to know how time flew and it was already ten. I quickly say bye and thank him for the sandwiches we had for dinner.

"See you tomorrow" He says as I leave for my house.


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