chapter 10

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Never make the mistake of jumping into someone's arms just because they were there when you were down.some I think are just destined to be friends.

  For the first time i gave ben my most sincere smile.when we got to where he was my friends left me with him.goodmorning jas he said smiling,looking at him now I came to the conclusion that ben was one handsome man.with the way I was looking all of a sudden got him worried.jas are you okay? without any response I went closer to him and pulled him into a hug,i cried for a while i wanted to let out all the emotions out.whatever it was I was feeling at that moment,i was more grateful when he didn't push it but silently patted my back.when I was done,he let me use his towel to clean my face.and man he smells so good,we went in and saw the others dancing friends were at one corner saying something with angry looking faces,an unfortunate girl tried asking them why they were there standing like robots only programmed for just gossip.i must say I laughed at that but pitied her immediately because she sure messed with the wrong girls.crystal was the one who responded,i hate to break it to you girl but you should try visiting the mirror often,i bet the mirror is scared of you too.the boys around started laughing.but seriously the girl wears too much makeup,if she lived with her family I bet they hate can they let her leaving the house looking like that?before ericka could attack her more ben coughed to draw their attention."jas will be leading us in today's practice"i looked at him with the wtf look,he just patted my back and left me with these guys.i guess I know why he wanted me to be the one leading friends gave me a thumb's up and they all lined up waiting for my instruction.when the music was played as if the music was calling to me,my body flowed with it,while i was dancing it was as if everything disappeared,as if pain never existed.i danced when I was sure every one got the moves,they were also allowed to add their ideas.when practice hour was over everyone left but my friends."jas we are so sorry this have to happen to you again"that was Crystal.i started having teary eyes they all came in for a group hug.hug is always a good therapy.ericka suggested that we go hangout somewhere nice but I declined and asked them to go without me.they didn't push it.if you need anything just call us..I will!they reluctantly left.i stayed back to dance out my heartbreak.dancing I think is my drug,with the music loud,i got into it danced that I lost track of time didn't even noticed when ben walked in.i only stopped when I heard the music stop I turned and saw it was chris.i then realized that my body was in pain then I fell on my butt,chris ran to me.whats the problem jas?the last time you danced like this something was wrong.he looked at me with those eyes that could easily pierce any heart,i was just sitting starring at his eyes then his lips,at that moment his lips looked inviting.j as please tell me what's wrong with it,he had this so worried look,and his voice sounded sexy at that moment.jas please you are getting me wo...and my lips met his immediately,he was surprised because he didn't kiss back but I didn't stop I continued kissing him,then he kissed back it wasn't a hungry,desperate kiss.but a kiss of comfort.i digged my hand in his hair with my eyes closed I wanted to enjoy every bit of it,wanted to forget the taste of Chris,wanted to erase all memories of him.ben was gentle with it,like he knew my heart,i lost track of how long it was,but it was a sweet kiss and nothing sensual about it.i broke the kiss and was so out of sure talk too much I said smiling with my flushed face.but i guess it will take ben to recover from his shock!!

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