The other door opened - Zack Merrick oneshot

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“Thanks for fucking nothing!” I yelled the loudest I possibly could at my dick of a boss as I slammed his office door and quickly left the building holding my things in a spare box. I just got fired from my job of 9 whole years because I forgot to mail some letter to a client and arrived at work 10 minutes late for the past 3 days. He could have just put me on probation, but no, he had to go and fire me. So what the fuck am I supposed to do now?! It was only 3pm and since I didn't have to work, I was completely lost.

I sat in the drivers seat of my car for a moment and thought what could I do to get my mind off of this…The bar.

I stuck my middle finger out at the building as I left the parking lot and drove to my favorite local bar.

Once I entered the bar, I trudged my way over to the counter, “Hey Marcus…the usual please?”

“What in the world are you doing here at this time on a Wednesday?”

“I got canned by my jerk of a boss.”

Marcus walked around fiddling with bottles behind the counter but was still listening to me, “aw I’m sorry to hear that Y/N. But hey, maybe it’ll be like that saying, ‘when one door closes, another one opens’”

He handed me my drink and then walked a few feet the other way to give another guy a drink as well. I didn't even notice that there was also a few others in the bar until now.

“I dont know…I’ve had that job for 9 years! Now ive gotta look for another one, and I hate job hunting. Plus, I worked my way up a few positions while I was there, now I’ll probably have to start at the bottom all over again.”

Marcus gave me a sympathetic look, “well theres some businessmen that come in here often, I could always keep an ear out for you, Y/N.”

I just sighed and started moving my glass from hand to hand on the table thinking about how much not having a job could set me back.

From the corner of my eye I saw Marcus going over to the man that was a few stools down from me.

“So Zack you never told me why you're here this early. Whats got you down, buddy?”

I looked over at this Zack person for a quick second, and noticed he also had his head down. Although, I doubt he just got canned from his job too.

“Man, my girl broke up with me. She said she wasn't feeling anything anymore for like the past 2 months. I did so much for her, and then I get a text from my buddy that he saw her with another guy already. It sucks.”

“Tanya broke up with you?! You were together for what, like 2 years? Bummer…”

“I cant say that I lost a job though,” this made me lift my head up and look over at them. I was met by both Marcus’ and Zack’s eyes on me. “sorry about your job, it sucks when it’s out of nowhere”

“Thanks for your sympathy. I couldn't help but overhear, but, sorry about your girlfriend too”

Marcus had started moving over back to me, wiping down the counter. I guess Zack took him leaving as an opportunity to come over to me.

“Mind some company?” he asked.

I pointed down the the seat next to me, nodding my head.

“I’m Zack by the way.”

“I’m, Y/N.”

“So I dont mean to jump into things, but depending on what your area of expertise is, my uncle just started his own business and could use good workers if you're interested.”

“I work in marketing and those positions usually fill up fast…”

“Hey! I know he needs a worker in marketing! Here’s his card if you want to contact him.” He fished a business card out of his pocket and handed it to me.

“Thats very thoughtful of you, Zack.”

Marcus cleared his throat and we both looked at him, “see? One door closed, another opened.”

Zack, Marcus, and I talked for a while about things, you know, the news, sports, his ex, my old job…until Zack had to momentarily go outside for a phone call.

“He’s totally into you, Y/N”

“You think? He just had a rough break up though.”

“I’ve known him for years, I’m pretty positive hes into you.”

“We’ll see about that”

Zack came back inside, “hey I gotta run in a few minutes, but Y/N, can I buy you a drink?”

I looked at Marcus seeing that he was giving me a grin, and then turned back to Zack, “I’d like that, thanks.”

Marcus poured us our drinks and we clinked them together before drinking them. Zack spilt a few drops on the counter and Marcus just handed him a napkin to clean it up.

I looked at Marcus, “so what should I do now?”

“Why dont you just take a few days to yourself? Have a spa day? Visit old friends? Or just sleep in for once? No 9 to 5 for a while.”

“That sounds like a good plan actually.”

Zack left the money on the counter and stood up, “alright, I’m gonna go, nice meeting you Y/N. I’ll see you around maybe?”

“I hope our paths cross again, Zack. Bye.”

He left the bar and I found myself getting a little sad. Zack was really attractive, sweet, and caring and ever since Marcus told me he thought he was going to ask me out, I had my hopes up.

“well, I guess I’ll go now too. I’ll come by one day this week.” I got up and left money on the counter.

“Alright, see ya Y/N.”

I started to walk out before I heard Marcus call my name, saying I forgot something.

I walked back to him, “But I only came in here with my purse…”

“Here.” he handed me a used napkin but with writing on it.

Y/N, I enjoyed talking with you today.

I hope we can meet again soon?

Call me…


On the bottom of the note, Zack’s number was there. I looked up at Marcus with my eyebrows up and mouth opening.

“See? I told you so.” was all he said. 

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