Chapter 3

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A/n I just wanted to say thank you to ndalover, Madthefangirl, trinity24667, vonniequeen, sugarrush25 and pewdelia44 for commenting and asking me to continue, it really means a lot cause i have been thinking I was a shit writer for a while now so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nico's POV:

I have just woke up and started to get ready for mine and Percy's walk, i know he is probably gonna ask me something like 'its Annabeth's birthday what should I get her, your my Friend come on what do you think of this engagement ring for Annabeth??' Ugh I might not go. I picked up my Iphone ( Yes Thanks To Leo we can have moster proof phones) and texted percy

~ Hey Percy :)

~ Sup Nico!! Whats Up your not canceling on me are you? i need to tell you soemthing really important and im now worried because you never text me. :(

~ um... Percy can't you just tell me now?

~ No :3

~ What the hades is that face

~ :3

~ Percy... Stop.

~ :3 :3 :3

~ You know what i'm gunna go and not talk to you >:(

~ *in slow motion* Nooooooooo dooooonnn'tttt llleeeeeaaavvvvveeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! *Jumps out of a burning building*

~ *Walks away* No comment

I chucked my phone at the end of my bed. why does he have to be so cute even over phone that i can't say no.

" So you think i'm cute, Huh?" 

i Spun around on my heels, wait did i say that out loud? Great and he heard, to top the cherry on the cake I've Turned INTO A FUCKING CHERRY!

Percy's Pov:

aw he was blushing like a little tomato!! YES he thinks i'm cute. *Mental fist pump* wait i bet he was talking about someone else.

" I wasn't talking about you moron."

That proves my point. I couldn't help but let myself look disapointed, i knew i should'nt have said anything. He cocked his head to the side and look at me with a concerned face, Dammint why does he have to lok so freakin cute when he does that??!

" Oh Wait a mintue you think i'm cute??!! Look at me i'm the opposite of cute, i'm a Fucking Hades child!!! I know what this is tonight your gunna play a practial joke on me are'nt you!!!" 

At this point he was crying.

" just get out asshole"

But this was only the begining...

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