I'm So Blind...

616 31 91

Reader P.O.V

"You, me, takoyaki stan, after work" he said with a smile

I look at him with my whole body frozen..

I-I.. I think my heart just stopped for a second there.. but then it starts to beat faster and faster...


"Is that a yes then?" He raises his eyebrow still with his smile

I feel that I'm about to smile and scream but I cover my mouth from it and let out a nervous chuckle instead

"I-I.. would love to, but am I not troubling you?" I said trying to make myself calm

"Of course not! I'm the one who asked you out after all" he chuckles

'Asked you out'


"So, after your work is done I'll be waiting outside the cafe. Okay?" He said about to leave

"Okay, have a great day oppa" I said waving

"You too (y/n)" he waves back and leaves the cafe

I turn back to the drink counters while holding my cheeks that's burning red now, I think it's red as a tomato..


"(y/n) are you okay?? Are you sick?? Your face is very red!" Suddenly someone said with a panic tone beside me and places his big hand on my forehead

"I'm perfectly fine Hansol oppa... PERFECTLY FINE!!" I hold his hands while hopping

 PERFECTLY FINE!!" I hold his hands while hopping

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"(y-y/n) y-you're creeping me out..." he blinks a few times with a face

"Shhhh!! I know you do, but I'm very really very really happy right now so don't mess my mood" I put my index finger towards his lips making his eyes widen

"I swear I'll bite your finger to reality if you keep acting like this" he said while opening his mouth

"Shhh!! I know you would oppa I know you would" I sush his mouth again and then leaves to make some drinks

"You accepted him didn't you?" I suddenly hear Taeyong oppa's voice beside me

"Yup" I said still making some drinks

I then hear Taeyong oppa sighing

"I want to talk with you after the work is done, just me and you" he said leaving me to make some drinks too

I take a glance at Taeyong oppa's back who's preparing the drink's toppings. As he's about to turn back, I quickly look away to the drinks that I made again

"(y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice

"Ah, Doyoung oppa! Is there something I can help you?" I walk to the counter

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