Take a dive

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// Inspired by a story I found in Ao3 wheeze, I hope you enjoy reading jk I'm open to suggestions and stuff

When Izuku woke up he was confused, he wasn't in a hospital, he wasn't lying in cement with a pool of his blood underneath, his bones are perfectly fine, he can even stand up! He stared down at his hands and watched as he moved his fingers with ease when minutes ago he can't even do as much as to twitch his thumb, it was weird, he was just brought to his senses by an explosion going off in his ear, honestly it didn't affect him that much, not that many things will affect you once you've killed yourself and come back alive

"You think you're so good that you're ignoring me huh you little shit?" Izuku stared blankly at Bakugou, he heard those words before, they don't hurt him as much as it used to though

"If you really want a quirk so bad then why don't you just take a swan dive off the rooftop?! Bet that's the most useful think you'll ever do in your entire life" Izuku stared before running off, he heard Bakugou yell something but he wasn't quite sure what it is and frankly, he doesn't want to keep listening, he just wanted to end this so bad, he climbed as fast as his legs can carry up the stairs before running off the edge of the rooftop, he heard Bakugou yelling but he doesn't really care

And he jumps


When Izuku woke up he felt blank, is this some kind of joke? What kind of god did he piss off in his last life he isn't even allowed to kill himself to escape his misery, he looked down, his arms are there, his legs weren't mangled, everything was fine except Izuku didn't want it to be fine, he just wanted to die and that's all there is to it

"You crying now huh?!" Izuku startled when he realized he was crying, oh god he was gonna break down infront of Bakugou oh god he just-

He stared at his pen lying innocent on his desk

"What's wrong Deku? If you really-"

"Want a quirk so badly then why don't you just take a swan dive off the rooftop" Izuku completed

"Sorry Kacchan I think I'd rather not" Izuku said before grabbing his pen and lunging his throat


This time Izuku really can't stop his tears, the moment he woke up he just curled up on the floor and began to cry, the moment he wanted to kill himself so badly of course he realises that the word can't even grant him that pleasure

"If you-"

He drowned out the noise and kept crying, he doesn't want to head Katsuki's voice anymore, after awhile the noise stopped and Katsuki left, he cried a bit more before standing up and making his way to the rooftop

Just one more time, just one more time maybe this is all just some stupid dream and then when he jumps of this rooftop this time he stays dead, please let him stay dead, so he does it again


And again


And again


And again

Before he sees two signs infront of him

[ Continue ] [ Quit ]

For some reason he presses the continue button and hopes he doesn't regret it


Weirdly enough, this time Katsuki stayed quiet, when he woke up Katsuki just pushed him aside and said nothing, he wondered if that was normal, oh well he didn't want to dwell on it too much, he hissed feeling his muscles to be a bit sore, he wondered why it affected him, oh well no time for that, at that day on the way home he was attacked by a sludge villain, he struggled and struggled before everything faded

Relive your memories ( bnha fanfic ) ( Kinda DekuBowl ) Where stories live. Discover now