Part 3

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Oliver walked into the warehouse, his bow raised. There were noises coming from below, for he was up in the rafters. He looked down and saw someone tied to a post with a bag over their head. Merlyn was off to the side, typing on a computer. There were three other men in sight, holding guns. Oliver sensed this was some sort of trap. But he had to save the person tied to the post.

He spoke to his earpiece. "Felicity."

"She left for the night," Diggle's voice rang in his ear. "I'll be your eyes tonight." 

Oliver tried to ignore the pain in is chest. Had she left because she could not handle talking to him? Pushing those thoughts out of his mind for now, he spoke to Diggle. "It looks like this could be a trap. There's three men and someone tied up. Merlyn is just typing on his computer."

"Be careful Oliver."

He shot an arrow into one of the men's legs then jumped down in the middle of the scene. 

"Mister Queen, so glad you could join us," Malcolm said, standing up. A devious smile was plastered on his face. 

"What is this, Merlyn?" he shouted.

Malcolm walked over to the person who was tied up. "Just what I promised you." He took off the black bag, revealing Felicity.

Tears were streaming down her eyes and her mouth was gagged. Her glasses were crooked on her face, her blonde hair falling around her shoulders. 

"Digg, he has Felicity," Oliver said into his comms. 

"I'm on my way," Digg replied then there was static. 

"Calling for back up? I don't think that can help you now." Merlyn's smile filled his face.

Oliver swiftly let loose another arrow into the man standing next to Felicity. He turned to take down the last man, but there were three more coming at him. He turned back to Merlyn where two more men now stood. He was surrounded.

"Let her go, your fight is with me!" Oliver yelled.

"No!" Merlyn roared back. "This is just the beginning." He walked over to Felicity and stroked her cheek. She shuddered and tried to lean away from him. "She is quite beautiful, isn't she? Your Felicity." He stepped forward and faced Oliver. "You fell right into my trap, didn't you? You told her you couldn't be together, thus breaking her heart. All I had to do was watch for her, since you wouldn't be spending anymore time with her. I didn't expect you to let her wander the streets alone so easily."

Oliver's hands tightened around his bow. He couldn't see any way out that he and Felicity could take. Then he heard gunshots behind him and everyone turned to see Diggle come storming in. He took down two men though three more took their place. 

Not wasting a moment, Oliver turned back and took down two men. Merlyn grabbed a gun and something else, then untied Felicity and grabbed her by the hair, bringing her forward. He had four men surrounding him.

"Drop your weapons!" he shouted to Oliver and Diggle. He had a gun held up to Felicity's head. 

Diggle and Oliver froze. They set down their weapons, a desperate look on each of their faces. 

"Very good," Merlyn said. "I wasn't expecting your back up to come so quickly. Nevertheless, I still have the upperhand. You are gravely outnumbered, and I have your dearly beloved right here. I don't see you three all getting out of here alive."

Oliver looked at Felicity, his eyes filled with true terror. She had been in danger before, but never like this. All those other times, he had had an advantage, he had been able to defeat them. But Malcolm Merlyn was never one for losing, he had the advantage. 

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