Chapter 12

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Morning came as soon as I thought. I groggily turned off my alarm and got up. I felt around for my stuffed animal but to no avail. I panicked and jumped up. Then I realised that I wasn't even in my own bed. I panicked again and my heart was racing faster than when a dog fetches a stick. That's when I remembered. I'm living in the boy's house now. I sighed at myself and made a beeline for the bathroom. I got ready and put on my favourite flannel with a pair of shorts.

I walked out of my room and looked at my watch. 6:47. Why did I even wake up so early? Classes start at 8. Well I guess I could make breakfast. Then I wondered if the guys would like breakfast too. So I looked around their kitchen. Its quite a big kitchen if you ask me. I found some ingredients and pancakes just came to mind. So pancakes it is. I took out the flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, eggs, milk and butter. I found some mixing bowls and a frying pan laying around so I guess they cook their meals too. I got everything ready, even my hands, and started baking.

I put all the dry ingredients into the big mixing bowl and measured for about 8 people. After measuring, I poured the wet ingredients into the same mixing bowl and mixed slowly. After a few minutes, the batter was mixed. I turned on the stove and put the frying pan on it. I smeared some of the butter onto the frying pan and scooped a cup of batter to be baked. It was tedious but I somehow managed to pull off making 2 dozens of pancakes. I stacked them into 8 stacks, each having 3 pancakes and took one stack for myself. I found some syrup and drizzled it on top of my pancakes and set them on the dining table. I took a seat and started eating while scrolling through facebook.(who still uses facebook anyways amirite lel) A/N wow look at 13 y/o me, I'm so quirky gOSH

Before I knew it, it was already 7:30. I went into my room and grabbed my bag. As I walked out, I called Sung Hyo. After 3 rings she picked up. "Hey Sung. I'm coming don't worry." "Oh okay thanks Sung." And she hung up. Now that I think of it, we have similar nicknames. Do people get us mixed up? Is that why we're best friends? Meh. I took a post-it note from my bag and stuck it beside the stacks of pancakes. I made breakfast. I'm off to school. Be back by 5-ish.
-Ki Song 

I went out to the front of the house and waited for Sung Hyo. After 5 minutes a familiar light blue tinted car pulled up in front of me. I walked over to the passenger seat and opened the door. I was instantly greeted warmly with a "get in bitch we're gonna be late." I got in and put on my seatbelt before she drove off as fast as the speed limit allowed. 

"So." She started. 

"Okay I know you have a lot of questions but let's get to school first and we'll talk in class." I told her. 

"As we always do." She smiled and looked at me briefly before accelerating again. 

"Okay. Y'know. What we're not going to do is get in a car accident." I warned. 

"Relax non-driving license owner. I know what I'm doing." Then I was reminded of something. 

"Hey I'm going to take a driving test this week by the way." 

"What? No way." She glanced at me again. 

"Yes way." I smirked. 

"And together with somebody." I continued. "Who? Rachel?" She asked. 

"No. A guy." I turned to her fully and smirked. She stepped on the brakes and we both went jolting forward. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK SUNG?" I shouted as I checked to see if we had gotten into a car accident. Luckily for us, its still early in this part of town so no cars were out yet. 


I cut her off by shouting back. "WE. HAVE. SCHOOL. DRIVE." 

BTS-Three Lovers And You (Maknae Line) ~DISCONTINUED SORRY~Where stories live. Discover now