Chapter 1

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As I see the plus sign, tears fall down my cheeks. Oh my gods, how am I gonna tell Percy or my friends or my family? OH MY GODS! What about Athena?!?! She is going to kill me for this. She will never speak to me again and most likely blow Percy to pieces.

For the eighth times, my phone buzzed. This time, it was Thalia. She was wondering where I was cause I already missed my first period.

I quickly wiped the tears away and got out of the stall. I grabbed my backpack and headed to second period before I was late.

I got into second period right before my teacher closed the door. I took my seat, which was in the back of the class with Thalia, Hazel, Piper, and Reyna. Thalia and Piper were in the same grade as me, sophmore. Hazel is a freshman and Reyna is junior. This class in the only one that is all girls and has girls from all four grades. And this class is called Teen Pregnancy Awareness. Convenient, right?

"Okay class, today we are just going to watch a fifteen minute video on teen pregnancy," My teacher said.

Right before it started, Thalia asked me, "Annie? Are you okay?" On regular days, I would get mad for calling me Annie, but today was not a regular day. I simply shook my head no and didn't talk the rest of the class.

As the video played through,one sentence grabbed my attention. "More than 50% of the time, the male will leave the female before the baby is even comes into the world." I felt a lump in my throat as I heard this. I know Percy's fatal flaw is loyalty, but what if this is too much for him? What if he leaves me to take care of our child by myself?

Questions filled my head and I didn't even know the bell rung for class. The only reason I came out of my trance was because Hazel was tapping my shoulder say, "Annabeth, it's time to go."

I shook my head to get the thoughts out and said, "Uh, yeah. Okay." I then walked to my locker, which was close to all the girls. They all came up to me and asked if I really was okay and stuff like that.

"NO! I'm not okay!" I yelled. I was so glad the halls were empty. "I'll tell you when we get home, 'kay" They all shook their heads saying yes, and I was off to my next class: English with Mr. Bolfish. Everyone was in that class. I once again took my seat that was near the window in the back of the class. I put my bookbag down and slid into my desk. I stared out the window until Mr. Bolfish entered the room with tests. He passed them out, which took what seemed like forever. I couldn't think clearly and filled in random answers. Like hey, I'm daughter of Athena, I can't do that bad....right?

I walked up to Paul's desk and turned my test in. I walked back to mine, to see he was already grading the test I handed him. He was looking at the test with confusion and called me back up. "Is everything alright, Mr. Bolfish?" I asked.

"Uh, Annabeth? Are you feeling okay?" He asked with concern.

I obviously lied and said, "Yes, I'm fine. Why?"

Paul slowly said, in a whisper I could barely hear, "You failed this test."

"I what?"

"You got 46%. I'm giving you it back. Take it home, redo it, and take your time. I know you can do better Annabeth." I took my test and walked back to my seat. Of course he knows I can do better, he knows I'm daughter of Athena. I take my seat and look at the test. A 46% with a big F was circled at the top. I flipped it over and buried my head in my hands.

Next to me, Piper whispers, "Dang, Annabeth. A 46? Are you dying?"

I laughed and said, "No. Dying might be heaven though." I looked away from her and to the window. Time seemed to pass quickly and soon the bell rang. I basically ran out of the room. I honestly couldn't stay one more second without bursting into tears. I was almost at the exit when I heard Percy's voice behind me. I quickly wiped the few tears that were forming and turned to him.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"I'm not feeling so well, I'm gonna walk home," I said.

"You want my to get Reyna to drive you?"

"Even if I say no, your gonna get her. So it looks like I have no choice," I said. And within a minute, all four girls were by my side. We walked to Reyna's car-she was the only one who could drive- and we were off. The car was silent the entire way to my house, and I was glad. We passed Percy's apartment, turned the corner, went a mile, and there's my house. Only a mile from Percy's.....convenient?

We walked into my two story house and walked up the stairs to my room. We walked into my room that had a bathroom, walk-in closet, and queen sized bed. You can say my room was pretty big. I got onto my bed and went to the very end where I could see my whole room. All the girls pilled onto my bed also.

"Okay, spill the beans," Thalia said.

"Gods, Thalia. Your acting like we're all playing truth or dare and she has to tell the most embarrassing thing ever," Piper joked.

"Can ya'll just shut up so Annabeth can tell us?" Hazel said.

"Yeah, shut up. Now, Annabeth. What really wrong?" Reyna asked me. I felt like crying all over again. I felt so defeated and I hated it.

I took a deep and shakey breath and said, "I'm pregnant."

Percabeth: Are You Gonna Leave or Stay?(Percy Jackson Fanfiction)✔Where stories live. Discover now