Change it

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"Hey, y/n!"

Jackson with Jeongyeon called and wave at y/n then they went to y/n's table, they're at the studio house that near on the penthouse where they're staying, it's the night where the night party event was happening right now, Some students are on their respected seats and some of them cheered loudly when the mc was on the stage to announce about the event

Jackson taps y/n's back while they seated on the chair, they notice the drinks on y/n's table, gladly its not alcoholic drinks

"Hey, why are you sitting here alone? Where the others?" Jackson asked

"They're back at the penthouse, they said that THEY forgot something" y/n replied cause Jeongyeon and Jackson look at y/n confuse

"Really, all of them? that's weird" Jeongyeon said then she pour her glass a ice tea

Y/n shrugged and drink the ice tea on the glass, they still heard the mc speaking on the stage then after a few moments, the mc announce that they have a special stage or a dance stage performance to be exact, the crowds went crazy and they cheered loudly. Jackson cleared his throat and tap his hand while leaning on the table

"If you didn't know" Jackson started that makes the two attentions went to him and the lights on the studio house became dark and the stage light went red

"Someone mentioned to me that the dance performance is really anticipated" Jackson pause then y/n lean back and y/n raise an eyebrow while Jeongyeon had a small smile on her lips while sipping on her ice tea

"Really? because of what?" y/n asked, y/n takes the glass with ice tea on it while waiting for Jackson to speak then Jackson had this little smirk on his lips then they didn't notice the people going to the stage, preparing for the act

"Not because of what, its because of who" Jackson state that makes y/n super duper extra confuse to what Jackson mean then y/n drink the ice tea and y/n noticed the people who are on the stage and Jackson continued

"Its because of Hirai Momo"

"pfffffft*cough* WHAT!?"


*ring* *ring*

*buzz* *buzz*

*ring* *ring*

A heavy groaned escapes on the girl's voice that was still having her deep sleep, she move her head to the side and notice a light on her window meaning its morning and she really have to wake up but again, the noise of ring and buzz lingered on her ears, she reach out on the side and confuse to what will she have to take first, finally after she reach out to what she did, she turn off the alarm and then also the phone that keeps buzzing on her bed, she press a answer button without looking at the caller


"Well hello to you too sleepy head~"

"Good Morning yoo jeongyeon" She yawn and still her eyes close

"Good morning too hirai Momo, planning to skip a class?"

Momo sighed and tried to get up on her bed, her messy short hair looks like going to east and west direction. crampled bed sheets and stuff. that's Momo's Morning

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