4) The Date

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You quickly and quietly made your way back to your house. Just then you heard the back door open and shut 'Shoot....' You thought bracing yourself for a 10 hour long lecture. But instead of that you heard someone say "sissy?..." You looked at your back door to see your baby brother standing on the back steps rubbing his eyes sleepily. "what are you doing out here this late?......" You walked over to him and picked him up walking quietly into the house taking him to his room to lay him down in his bed. He rubbed his eyes again and looked at you as you began to walk away. "Sissy?" He asked reaching out his arm for you. "What's up little buddy?" You asked sitting down on his bed with him "can you sing me a song please?" He asked making the pouty face. "Okay, okay," you said beginning to sing (shout out to you if you know where this song is from:

"Remember me,
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me,
Dont let it make you cry,
For ever if I'm far away
I hold you in my heart,
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart,
Remember me,
Though I have to travel far,
Remember me,
Each time you hear a sad guitar,
(**Kaden joins in**)
Know that I'm with you ,
The only way that I can be,
Until you're in my arms again,

You smiled slightly as you saw kaden drift off to sleep . you then walked out of his room making your way to your own room. You then picked up your phone you saw a message from jacob that said "meet me at the river's edge tomorrow at 12:30 so we can get to know each other better(:" he then sent you the directions to the rivers edge and it seemed to be some sort of restaurant. You replied saying you would be there and began getting ready for bed.

Timeskip to the morning
You woke up in your bedroom that was very bright due to the sun shining through your windows. Just then your mom opened the door. "Hey, I ...uh think we got off the wrong foot yesterday" she said sitting on your bed. You gasped and scooted away. "Y-your dad...he's gonna be fine...." You stood up and let a tear roll down you cheek. Then your mom rushed over to you and said "Don't cry sweetheart...don't cry" you both stood there as your mom hugged you and stroked your hair. "I'm s-so s-sorry" you sobbed she hugged you until you stopped crying . "what time is it " you asked sniffling and looking at your mom "uh...it 1:30????" You gasped and looked at your phone. "Oh my god!! Im so late!!" You shrieked running out the door and jumping on your bike speeding off "Y/N!!! HEY YOUNG LADY YOU CANT JUST LEAVE LIKE THAT!!!" You heard your mom yell in the distance, But you just took off on your bike in the direction of river's edge. When you got there jacob was nowhere to be seen. You ride around town looking for him but nothing turned up. It then began to rain, and you decided to check Jacob's house for him. When you got there his dad was sitting on tge porch. "Y/N...what are you doing here?" He asked coming over to you. "I--I need to see jacob" he looked down then back at you "he isn't home, hasn't been home for hours. I figured he was with you." He said as you gasped quietly in shock. "N-no we never met up...I was late to lunch with him and i've been trying to find him for the last hour. He looked just as shocked as you were as he called for Seth. When Seth ran out to you guys and winked at you "whats up?" He said looking at jacobs dad. "Seth I need you to help Y/N find Jake " he looked at you and nodded "Okay" he said walking over to you "we should get going" he said putting a hand on your shoulder. When you guys were in the woods he stopped dead in his tracks and growled lowly. "Seth? Are--are you okay?..." You asked taking a step towards him "Volturi" he said before pushing you out of the way. "Seth what the h--" you said but became quickly silent as you saw someone who had tackled him. "Y/N run!!" He yelled before the figure punched him in the face. You hid behind a tree and grabbed a large rock preparing to throw it to hit the mysterious person in the head. But when you threw it the rock missed causing the person to look at you to then come towards you. He was very pale and had her black hair that brought out his blood red eyes. "Oh no" you thought trying to get to Seth but the man pinned your arms above your head on a tree quicker than you could say "help". You stared At the evil in the eyes with his face full of anger but his eyes quickly softened and he smirked in a dark manner "okay wolf boy, I will let you go but I am taking the girl." He said pulling you to the side by the collar of your shirt. Seth stood up with his fists balled up and he growled saying "touch her and you die..." The man the chuckled lowly and said "oh wolfy...we both know that wouldn't work out for you...I was gonna let you go but...you shouldn't have said that" he then threw you to the ground and punched Seth in the gut causing him to fall into a tree , you got up and walked over to the guy punching him in the back and knocking him over. Y/N no..." Seth said trying to get up but fell back down in pain. You howled and turned into a wolf causing the pale man to fall back in shock allowing you to knock him down clawing at his body but he did not seem to have a pulse. You then bit his shoulder before Sam And Quil showed up and helping you attack the pale man. Once the man was unconious quip went to check on Seth and Sam walked over to you. "Are you okay?" He said putting his hands on your shoulders. You looked up at Sam and gave him a hug "thank you." You said closing your eyes as you hugged him. He stood shocked for a moment before hugging you back "its no big deal, we are here to help" he said. He was really warm just like jacob.... When you guys stopped the hug you walked over to Seth who was dripping with sweat."W--what's wrong with him?" You asked looking at Quil. "Aro has broken his ribs, we have to get him to carlisle " he said picking Seth up. "You got to stay out of trouble kid" he said looking down at Seth who then coughed loudly. You were walking along side Sam and you asked "who was that guy? What is Volturi ? Why was that guy so pale? Why did he attack us????" Sam chuckled and said "Woah kid slow down, I can only answer so many questions at a time" you calmed down a bit and replied "oh right...sorry" he smiled and said "that guy was Aro, he is a leader of the group that everyone calls volturi. Voltri is the sworn enemies of every wolf pack and---" he was about to continue but he stopped himself "vampires..." He said sighing and looking at the sky. "Vampires? Like blood sucking, sun hating, people killing things??" That was the first time you saw Sam full on laugh "yes those things" you looked up at him and replied "So that man is pale like that because he is a ....vampire??" He nodded and continued "he wants to have something to hold against us so we will do whatever he wants us to do for him and I guess you were his first pick. Don't worry, we won't let it happen again" you then got to Jacob's house and saw his dad in the doorway "Y/N what happened out there?!" Sam got in front of you and said "Volturi attacked before we could find jacob. It wasn't her fault." Jacobs dad nodded and went back inside "Y/N go home and relax, we will look for jacob tomorrow" Sam said turning back to you."no, I want to help. I can do just as much as you can" you said pushing past him to were Seth was laying in Quils car. "Hey Y/N" he said "you ready to go?" You looked at Seth who was still dripping with sweat "yeah, lets go" you got into Quil's car with him and made your way to "The cullen's " house....little did you know this would not be the last time you encountered the volturi.....

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