Chapter 26~

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Rebels pov~

It was about a week later and she was running to the aether paradise when she had heared that lusamine had opened an ultra wormhole. She runs into the room that she opened the worm hole in and she sees gladion hugging Lillie tightly as lusamine and my dad were going into the portal, I had to stop them so I started running into the direction of the portal and I run into the portal with it closing behind me. But before it closes I hear gladion screaming my name. I'm sorry gladion... I'll be okay...  don't worry... I then notice I was surrounded by nhiligeo. I whine then see lusamine catching one and she starts to fuse with it but that's all I see before I pass out...

Dusk pov~ my eyes were wide in shock when gladion and Lillie were telling me what had happened and why he needed my help to find the legendary Lunala. I told him that If he could find my mother then he could ask to borrow her dawn wings neocrozma. But I also told him that I didn't know where she was or where to even look for her. He then looks down but I smile slightly and tell him that I would help him look for her but as long as I could ride silvally since I was pregnant. He nods and helps me to get on silvally Lillie getting on as well and we begin our search for my mother. We looked for about two days only stopping to eat and sleep. But we had arrived at the alter of the moone. She had to be here it was the only place we haven't looked. When ten start to climb the long stair case and when we get to the top to my surprise my mother was already there but there was an ultra worm hole already open and a ultra beast comes out of it. It was another neocrozma, leaving me in shock. B-but how I thought there was only one! I then realized what we had to do we had to find solgaleo and fuse him with neocrozma before something terrible happens, and before something happens to rebel or her child... we then start to talk to my mother and we tell her what had happened and she agrees to help is search for solgaleo but she was not going into the worm hole. We then leave the alter and head to the lake of the sunne, in hopes that we would find solgaleo. Then we hear a roar coming from the other side of the lake. But we couldn't see anything because of the fog... i sigh but then I see solgaleo walking up to us and I smile solgaleo!! Can you help us? We need to save my sister! I ask and he nods then we head back to the alter of the moone. Once we get there solgaleo fuses with neocrozma and becomes dusk mane neocrozma. Then the worm hole closes . I then walk up to dawn wings neocrozma, can you take us to my sister? Please I'm so worried about her...I start to cry and dawn wings nuzzles me and nods her head. Of course I will take you after all it's for family. I stop cry and smile at dawn wings then I notice gladion, Lillie and hau getting on dusk mane, then Me and moon get carried into the worm hole by dawn wings and we head into the place that my sister was. I just hope we get there in time....

Hey sorry it's so short I wanted to create some suspense but I promise the next chapter will be longer but bye for now!!

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