Really? Are You Cheating On Me with Me?? 045

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Vote and Comment~ Sorry for not updating, I'll try to update this week because I have not finished my story for school so I apologize. This chapter has not been edited but enjoy~❤️

(Y/N) Pov:

"Justin, let's go." I whispered in his ear.

"Oh ok, I'll listen to you (Your Favorite Boy Name)~" Justin said as he held onto my hand. He slowly walked and I followed him until someone grabbed onto my hand. I turned my head around to see Kun Kun. I stared into his eyes.

"Let go." I said coldly.

"Please tell me where's (Your Nickname)~" he asked.

"I'm afraid I don't have the answer to your question sir." I said.

I watched him let go of my hand and I kept on walking with Justin. "So where are we gonna go next?" I asked.

"Let's go get us some sweets~" Justin said while smiling at me.

I sighed. "What's wrong (Your Nickname)?" Justin said.

"We need to get you something to eat, but it can't be spicy nor sour." he said. "Since you're on---" he said, but then I covered his mouth.

"Remember I'm (Your Favorite Boy Name)." I said.

He nodded and we kept walking.

~Time Skip~

"I'll pay for anything you want~" Justin said.

"Um...I want fries, that burger, more fries, and..." I said and kept on going.

"Um...(Your Favorite Boy Name) isn't that a bit too much?" he asked.

"I'll still pay for the orders even if you want this much food~" he said.

"Then I'll take whatever I just said about the orders." I said.

"Waiter!" Justin shouted. I watched the female waiter come up to us.

"What would you like today?" she asked.

"Apparently everything on the menu." Justin said.

"Oh ok." she said as she wrote on her notepad with her pen.

"I would have never known you can eat that much if I didn't met you." Justin said.

"Thanks to Jung Jung I meet you and also thanks to Jung Jung because he almost made me get hit by Kun Kun." he said.

"Mh...." I said.

"I need the food." I said.

"Calm down." he said.

"Can I call you (Your Nickname) when we're alone today?" Justin asked.

"Sure, just don't get caught." I said. I looked around and I finally realized something or someone.

"Oh gosh..." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Kun Kun is here, but with someone." I said.

"I swear Jung Jung would have done something if he was here." Justin said.

"It's nothing to worry about." he said.

I looked away from Justin and I saw waiters with trays of food. "Time for food!" I shouted in excitement and jumping up and down. I looked around to see people staring at me, so I quickly sat back down.

"This is gonna be a little bit more awkward." I said.

"You caught Kun Kun's attention." Justin said.

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