Chapter 7

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When I got home I got to work.

I called all the places that I knew would be sending me bills. Insurance, car payments, the water bill, heating bill, and light bill, the mortgage. I found out when all the payments are due and I covered all the bases. The car was parked in the garage. 'Dad didn't take it' I thought.

I had my license but because dad always used the car for work and Tyler always drove me everywhere I really had no use for it. Until now. I looked for the registrations and got familiar with the car.

That night I cooked lasagna and Texas bread, which Caleb and I both loved. We sat at the table eating in silence until he broke it.

"So are we ever going to talk about dad?" he asked not taking his eyes off his plate.

"What do you want to talk about?" I questioned.

"I don't know, like where is he and what happened to him." he had a sad, confused look on his face.

"Cee, if I had the answer to those questions he'd here. I would have brought him home. You know no matter what he has done he is our dad," I said, taking another bite of the lasagna.

We finished our dinner in silence. And we went to bed kind of early, but I couldn't sleep so I decided to go into Caleb's room and he was wide awake too. He sat up as I made my way to his bed. I sat down and asked, "Hey, you want to go to a party?" I suggested.

"Sure," he genuinely sounded excited.

So I put on some clothes and we headed out. When we got to the party Mae's house was completely packed. We walked in and it was all the same stuff. Drunk teens and people making out everywhere. I tell Caleb to stay close to the front door just in case anything happens or if I need to leave in a rush, he would be there so we could leave quickly.

I set out to find Alana. I asked a few people if they knew where she was and they all had the same answer 'No'. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around my eyes widened at the sight of Kathy.

Kathy was my best friend in middle school, but when we entered highschool we kinda went our separate ways.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I hugged her "I didn't know you'd be here." No matter what had happened between us I was genuinely happy to see her.

"I heard you asking for Alana," she stated. I nodded. "She went upstairs. I think it's the last door." I smiled and thanked her. I ran upstairs to find her and the second floor had four rooms and I bet you good money what's going on in each of them. I opened the door and to my horror I see Alana...... with...... Tyler.

"Babe...... Lizzie" the called out in unison.

"Lizzie," Tyler called out.

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I wanted to fall down and cry let all my tears out. This had triggered all my emotions and they all wanted to come out. I stared at them and as Tyler came toward me I ran down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I ran to the door and grabbed Caleb's hand as he tried to stuff a slice of cold pizza into his mouth.

I pushed him into the car and I jumped in as I saw Tyler running down the porch stairs. I backed out of the driveway and drove home. I told Caleb to stay at home and that I was going to think.

"Please don't do anything stupid sissie," he pleaded.

"Just go to bed and I'll be back later. And don't answer the door or the phone unless you know it's me. Got it?"

"Got it," he said almost in an inaudible tone.

I drove around for hours and hours. We got to the party at 11:30 and left at around 12:00 and it was now 5:45 in the morning. I was just driving around thinking about all that has happened to me. I wanted to cry right when I saw them, but I didn't I didn't want to give them that satisfaction. So I went home.

When I came through the door I saw Caleb sleeping on the couch. He must have fallen asleep trying to wait for me. I left him alone since it was Sunday. I fell on my bed and covered myself up and within less than two minutes I was fast asleep.

I woke up at around nine in the morning and brushed my teeth and tried not to think about last night. But no matter how hard I tried I would do it anyway. I cried as I brushed my teeth. I went to the kitchen and served myself some cereal and I picked up my phone.

As I checked my phone I saw fifty three text messages split between Alana and Tyler and twenty four voicemails from Tyler and thirty six voicemails from Alana. I disregarded the messages and turned on the tv.

As I go to put the bowl I used in the kitchen I hear the doorbell ring. When I open the door none other than Alana and Tyler. Not only did they break my heart but now they want to rub it in.

I rolled my eyes and went to close the door but Tyler pushed his way in and Alana followed.

(Italicized is Alana. Bold is Tyler. And regular print is Lizzie.)

"If you don't leave now I'm gonna call the cops. This is trespassing."

"Look, last night was nothing-"

"He's right it was an accident an-"

"I dont care! I dont want to hear it! Get out of my house!"

"Lizzie please we were drunk."

"That's it." I grabbed the phone and dialed.

"Fine, fine we're going"

They walk out and don't even say anything to one another they just get into their cars and drive off.

My boyfriend had been sleeping with my best friend and I couldn't help but wonder, though it caused me great pain to, how long?

How long?


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Whoa... How bout them apples, huh?

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