Now or Never

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Katrina's POV

After I had finally regained my mind and sanity, I had gotten dressed in some black tights and a tunic like red shirt, pulled my curly hair back, and after a ten minute pep talk in the mirror about crying like a little bitch in front of Blue, I was ready to roll. 

I sat on the couch, trying not to scratch up and down my arms, as I watched Blue angry pace in front of the closet door in our wrecked room. 

Cha sat in the corner on the sofa that she had pushed back over, and Vapor was standing off to the side of her. 

His face was passive as he watched and no doubt listened to the phone conversation that Blue was having. 

From the ten new fist holes in the wall, it was just a lucky guess that whatever Klaus was telling Blue wasn't exactly good news. 

Corey slipped into the room next, Ana right behind him with Carter in tow as they paused looking around the room in shock, before slowly letting the door close behind them. 

I gave them a small smile as they looked over at me, "we... uhh tied Lia up, put her in the bath tub unconscious, like you asked" Ana said her eyes still darting around the completely recked room. 

I nodded gratefully at her. 

I turned back to look at Blue, watching him spit profanity after profanity into  the phone, that was slowly being crushed to death in his hand. 

I sighed before standing up, stepping in front of his pacing and snatching the phone from him, just in time for him to whirl around and punch the wall again. 

"I'm going to kill her", he spat, eyes glowing white. 

I quickly put the phone to my ear, "hello?" I asked. 

Klaus sighed deeply, "Katrina? Hey! What's up-"

He was suddenly gone, there was a girlish scream, a thud, and then "where in the fuck have you been", Sasha's sultry voice hissed out through the phone. 

I smiled as the aggression sounded through the phone. 

I missed all my friends. 

We were like a tropical storm when we all got together, it had been too long since we had really done some damage. 

"Sasha! So nice to hear your voice, too. Cha is doing fine, too, thanks for asking" I snorted at her, a small weight lifting off my chest. 

If Sasha Romanov was still cussing like a sailor, then maybe the world wasn't completely fucked. 

"Shove your chit chat, bitch. We got problems. And I mean, prob-fucking-lems" she hissed through the phone. "What happening over there?" she demanded. 

I sighed, watching as Blue kicked the mattress off the bed, sending it flying to the floor, "oh we are just shitting rainbows over here, in this prison like palace. You?" I asked her. 

"We caught the little ... testicle" she whispered lowly, "who's been fu-freaking with us. He's the reason Snake was in court, Bonnie in jail, Aria's parents showing up, and we just got Trina and Glare out of their house ... that baby is so weird" she muttered the last part. 

My eyes widened, "seriously? What happened?" I asked her. 

"We showed up and Trina and Glare was completely passed out but that kid was ...shadowing them? Or something. It was like an episode of devil baby-"

"The guy, Sash. The guy" I said cutting her off. 

"Right. Yea, his name is Freddie. Been working for Ira the entire fu-freaking time. Not to mention the little bit- ... bast- ... pimple, just laid some huge info on us" she said, as she hissed at someone else on her side of the line. 

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