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Evie sat next to one of her students, who was struggling with math homework that was due next class. It was lunch and the girl had liked Evie so she stayed inside of her classroom as the rain poured outside, sliding against the glass window.

"This is absolute crap! Why would I ever need to know the volume of a stupid cube?!" She exasperated, her hands running through her dark locks.

"I feel like it just depends on your job Mella, you never know you can specialize in cubes some day." Evie teased the younger girl, and the girl giggled while rolling her eyes.

"I'll specialize in older and richer men, that's what I'm gonna be doing." The girl mumbled making Evie's jaw drop.

Mella, short for Carmella was a student in Evie's class who Evie clearly took a liking to. It was when she had gotten in an argument with one of her fellow immature classmate of the other gender, is when Evie noticed her.

"So do you believe money, can buy love?" Evie asked, repeating the question that she wrote in her cursive writing on the board.

"Actually, to make this more fun, everyone stand up." She announced, a grin making the apples of her cheeks numb. Some kids groaned, and some kids excitedly hopped out of their desks.

"Left if you think no, right if you think yes." She instructed. Kids shuffled around, a majority going to the no side. Only a girl and two boys stood on the yes side.

"So, why did you guys say yes?" She asked, genuinely interested.

The girl shot her hand up, "Before any one calls me a gold digger, I just think, a little gift of some sort can hold sentiment in a relationship."

Evie smirked, "Well yes, but lets say a lad was just buying you things with no meaning, does that mean you love him?" She asked. The girl shook her head, and stocked over to the other side.

"So, boys, explain your reasoning."

"I dunno, I've never been in love, and if a girl has been just buying me all the things that I truly enjoy, I think I'd start to confide in her." He shrugged, speaking truthfully. Evie laughed down her nose.

"I'll take that reasoning, what about you Jay?" She asked one of the boy's who clearly did not like her. He was just such a disrespectful twat who had parents with money.

"I dunno, why don't you tell us? You're the one dating that rich bloke Tom Holland, I'm sure he's bought you over-"

Evie's smile fell and some students started snickering, and before Evie could reprimand the teenager, Carmella stepped in.

"Are you actually kidding me?" Carmella spoke out amongst the giggles and Jay's chatter.

Everything fell silent and Jay looked at the thin girl with short black hair.

"Pardon?" Jay asked, feeling entitled.

"Are you actually kidding me?" Mella repeated.

"Cause I think the only joke here is your face-"
The class ooo'ed, and Jay glared at the girl. This all unraveled so quickly before Evie's eyes.

"So if you want to bring up a teachers social life that you have no business medaling into, which is totally disrespectful and uncalled for, I might as well bring up those dick pics-" Evie's eyes widened and Jay's face turned beet red.

"Okay! Kids!" Evie yelled between the two while all the students giggled.

"Jay I agree, what you said is totally uncalled for because Tom and I aren't even dating, not that anyone in this class would care... But, let us please move on. It is clear Mr. Jay and I are clearly embarrassed. I probably should write you up for that comment Jay but I'll let it slide because Carmella put you in your place. So thank her." Evie spoke quickly and Carmella's face had a smug smirk on it.

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