Chapter 2: Dark Allies and Dark eyes.

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Chapter two :Dark Allies and Dark eyes.

The lights pulse on and off, in sync to the rhythym of the music. Sounds of people talking and music mixes together ruining any real chance of conversation. The smell of alcohol seeps into me as I sway in my chair to the music. A cup of I don't know what chills my fingers in my hand. I stare out at the crowded dance floor, filled with lost souls.

A desire grows in me.

I wanted to be lost too.I moved m y way over to the nearest table, while swaying my hips to the music. I sit my cup down slowly turn to look out at the people.

I need to get an escape before I start to feel again. I find myself making my way to the forest of people. I knew I would start to feel it soon, I knew soon I would need to fly away from reality. Thats exactly how I wanted it. I wanted to dance.

The bass drops. I through my hand back and my arms float up above me. I feel the ground vibrate underneath me.

I start to feel eyes burning into my back. I turn to find someone watching me intently.

His eyes scan my slowly body and I knew this one I could take.

"Dance with me. " I demand, and He smiles a crooked smile under his rugged facial hair. I look up at him, trying to see his face under the lights. My vision blurs and spins around. My head throbs lightly, but a I ignore it and I take a few staggering steps toward him in my pumps.

" Should I ?" He teased rubbing the back of his neck.

I pull him by his shirt and he follows me deeper on to the dance floor. Things get heated quickly. Before I knew it we were dancing close and dirty. We dance to a few songs keeping a close distance between us. A basket of pills is passed around and I laugh out loud and take one, I slip it into my bra. The man I grabbed laughs behind me and I reach my hand up and put one into his mouth.

He puts his lips on the nape of my neck. His Vodka coated breath lingers on my side. I feel his hands travel down to grab my hips while we dance. Smoke clouds around us as a group of stoners left the dance floor.

The music fills my mind and all I can think about is the beat. I take another sip of beer the man hand in his other hand. I feel his rough, lustful hands creep to my waist and he pulls me as close as possible from behind.The Dj turns up the music dangerously louder and I move recklessly to the beat. I'm drunk now. I had been drinking all night and I knew it would bite me in the ass tommarow morning.I knew I was slipping away and it was exactly what I needed.

His smelled like hard liquor, and his facial hair tickled my cheek. He pulls me closer into him. The beer I had in my hand spills on my tightly fitted dress but I shake it off, trying not remind myself that my Uncle will smell it on me later.

The song changes and his hands travel up my sides toward my chest. For a slight moment I didn't realize what he was doing, till he roughly grabs my breast.That's I realized he did'nt just want to dance.

I wasn't that drunk buddy.

I shove away from him and stare at him.

He was much more unattractive than I'd hope. He had an angry face. His eyes were hollow,dark and uninviting. Hi eyes were small and beaty. He towered over me with a treatening hieght. He looked at me, as if he didnt just try to feel me up. His facial hair was unruly and the curly hair on his head was matted with sweat. He was effortlessly disgusting.

I glare at him under the lights on the dance floor.

I can't believe I danced on him.

What a waste of a good song.

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