|48| real life

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"I WANT TO TAKE YOU SOMEWHERE." Dacre's voice cut through the silence.

Sonny looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows, "You," she pointed at him, "want to take me," she pointed at herself, "somewhere?"

Dacre nodded, slightly nervous that she would say no. "When?"

He scratched the back of his head, "Uh, right now?"

Sonny shrugged, not really giving any thought to her decision, "Sure." she grabbed her keys from her glass coffee table and tossed them to Dacre, who caught them before they could fall to the floor. "Let me go put pants on."

Dacre had this all planned out. After he had heard Sonny's conversation, he busted his ass to come up with the perfect place to take her, now all he had to do was get her there.

"So, where are we going?" she put her feet up on the dashboard and twisted her body so it was facing him.

"To narnia."

She snorted, "Ha-ha, so where are you taking me?" she asked again. Dacre glanced at her before looking at the road again, "It's a surprise."

"Is the surprise my death?" she raised her eyebrows, "Because i've been waiting for that surprise since I was thirteen."

Dacre looked at her with slight amusement and shook his head, "If you really want it then..." he trailed off.

Sonny snorted, "Before you kill me, take my virginity first."

His head whipped to her in shock, "You're a virgin?"

She grinned, "Only in anal."

Dacre pursed his lips, "Can't say the same for me."

Sonny looked at him in shock, "Really? That's fucking great!" she clapped her hands, "That means we can be like Frank and Sheila!"

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Frank Gallagher? Sheila Jackson? Shameless?" seeing his confused expression, she shook her head with a sigh. "I have so many things to teach you."

About an hour later, they had arrived at their destination. Sonny looked around in confusion, "You brought me to a hill?" she looked at him, "You aren't planning on pushing me off are you? Because my brother already tried that before-"

He shook his head with a laugh, "No, i'm not going to kill you."

"Oh." Sonny said with slight disappointment. Dacre just looked at her with an amused look on his face.

The sun was just starting to set, the sky turning beautiful shades of pink and orange. "Woah," Sonny looked at the sky in awe, "it's beautiful."

Dacre didn't looked at the sky as he spoke, he just kept his eyes on her, "Yeah."

Sonny turned to him, noticing how he was just looking at her. "What?" she was slightly nervous, hoping that she didn't have chocolate at the corner of her mouth, or something else embarrassing like that.

He shook his head, "Nothing I-I just- I just need to tell you something-" he sighed, he had planned out exactly what he wanted to say, how he wanted to say it, and where he wanted to say it, but now that it was time, he was choking.

Sonny looked at him with slight confusion, "Tell me what?"

"I- ah fuck!" Dacre turned around, repeatedly running his hands through his hair.

All his planning and preparation had gone out the window, and Dacre was left the reality that he might not have the balls to just come right out and say it.

"Dacre?" her voice was soft, she didn't want to stress him out anymore than he clearly already was.

"Fuck!" he spun back around to face Sonny, he gathered up every punch of courage he could find, and just blurted it out. "I'm in love with you."

She was shocked, she was shook, she was surprised, she was every emotion she could think of, all at once. "Oh."

"Oh?" Dacre questioned, "Is that all you have to say?" he was aware that he might've sounded a bit dickish, but he had just confessed his love for her and she had to say was, "oh".

"Well I-" she cut herself off and looked up at him, she spoke softly, "Are you- are you sure?"

Dacre scoffed, "I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life."

"Oh." she said, and for once Sonny Hoechlin was at a loss for words.

Dacre bit his lip, maybe this wasn't a good idea, maybe he should've just pretended that he didn't have feelings for her and went back to Australia.

He knew what he heard from that conversation, Sonny liked him, but maybe he had misheard her?

Maybe she was talking about someone else, and Dacre had wished so much that it was him that she liked, that he had replaced someone else's name with his own.

"Dacre!" he snapped his head down to Sonny, he had been so caught up in his doubt, that he hadn't heard her calling his name.

He took in her expression, she was no longer shocked or taken aback, she just looked annoyed.

Before Dacre could say anything, Sonny beat him to it. "How am I supposed to tell you I want to fuck you into oblivion, if you aren't even paying attention to me?" her arms were crossed as she spoke, a small pout in her lips.

Now Dacre was the speechless one as he looked down at her in shock. "I- uh- what?"

Sonny rolled her eyes and wrapped her small arms around his waist, "I'm in love with you too, you ape." her voice was slightly muffled by Dacre's chest, but he still heard every word she said.

He brought his arms around her shoulders, bringing her closer into his body. "Does this mean i'm Australia now?"

He chuckled, "It's Australian."

She tightened her arms around his waist, "It's like- the same thing."

Dacre shook his head but didn't say anything and kissed the top of Sonny's head. "God I love you."

so this is finial chapter for Daddy.

i know i said i would end it at chapter 69 but the reads have been down but that's is completely my fault since i practically abandoned this story and rarely updated towards the end, so i feel like dragging this story on isn't the best thing right now.

i possibly might make a sequel in the future or add more chapters to this, but for now this shitty story is officially completed.

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